Some questions (yep, again, google didn't help :P):
1)How can i update damage-indicator (green/orange/red line under item), because when i'm discharging item (by method ElecticItem.manager.use(...)) it's discharging correctly, without previous problems, but line still stay at one position
2)Why OnImpact in EntityThrowable don't react on entities? (i need players, not all entities, but not important) or something other react? now my projectile explodes only when hitting block (or timer in object goes to 0, but not important, again)
3)How can i add some untouchable model to entity? like this: http://vignette2.wikia.nocooki…/latest?cb=20150508024241 (sphere with my own texture, animated will be perfect)
4)like in 3, but to entityThrowable (now it's just a small (about 1/8 of block) white cube)
I tried to google, really, for 3-4 it gives some answers, but i can't understand it and mechanics from code, for 1-2 google gives nothing, maybe because i'm writing wrong request, or just nobody asking something like this before (don't think so)