New to Nuclear Engineering

  • So, im kinda new here...

    I have lately been experimenting with reactor designs (fluid) that are hyper-efficient and here's what I came up with:



    Any suggestions on improvements? ( i put containment reactor plating cuz i didn't know what to put there...)



    Edited once, last by patytseng: Spelling and Capitalization ().

  • Random Questions Section:

    the simulator places the max efficiency of this at 29... what causes water reactors to be amped up so much?

    is the simulator accurate?

    are the 5 3x3 cooling units (the component heat vent, overclocked heat vent and component heat exchanger in the middle groups) as efficient as tiled component heat vents and overclocked heat vents?

    is it possible to do component automation with only ic2?

    (i keep editing this post to add more questions)

    Edited once, last by patytseng: adding more questions... ().

  • First of all, for a beginner like you, it is amazing of you to come up with such a efficient design (especially looking back at my first designs, which are truly awful). However, the major problem of your reactor is material cost - there are already mature designs with exactly the same efficiency, with less materials. This is mainly caused by your excess heat exchangers and low venting efficiency.

    For example, the difference is quite obvious when the design that I use is compared with your design.


    1. Fluid reactors' (or "water reactors" as you called) output are based on heat the vents vent, while EU reactors are based on fuel rods. The output of the EU reactor is throttled by 50% (according to the in-game tooltip) because fluid ones are complicated and more costly to set up.

    2.Personally I think the simulator is quite reliable. You can ask MauveCloud about it as it is he who programmed the simulator.

    3. No. The component heat exchanger takes up space and does nothing except preventing the vents from breaking. Also, the vents will break when there are always excess heat in the reactor core.

    4. Yes.

    IC2 reactors has 196,627,050,475,552,913,618,075,908,526,912,116,283,103,450,944,214,766,927,315,415,537,966,391,196,809 (2754) combinations. HAYO!

    :Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log::Rubber Log:

    My avatar is from a video of Operation Upshot-Knothole.