Question: Does IC2 support HD Textures?

  • Does IC2 support HD textures? Because I have Optifine installed as well, and that includes the support for higher resolution textures, but I think it scrambles up the textures because when I find Rubber Trees, they look like furnaces. It's like every block in IC2 has a texture of a block in vanilla minecraft.. o.o And this happends even if I'm not using a texture pack.

    IC2 Version: Both SMP and SSP v.1.15

  • I'm entirely sure if IC2 supports HD packs out of the box, but I can say that there are plans to "merge" OptiFine and Forge.

    • Official Post

    IC² does nothing except for adding cool new stuff.

    Seriously, everything beyond the content of IC² is EXCLUSIVELY related to MCForge itself.
    Thus you please proceed and ask "Does MCForge support HD-textures?" on which i will answer "I've got no clue, how about asking the MCForge-Team?".