[Buglist\feedback: 1.15 SMP] {list(40)}

  • 1) Rubber taping does not trigger proper block updates in SMP.
    force blocksetwithnotify on change, this will update block state on clients.

    2) Second rubber taping will remove treehole, extremely annoyning with laggy connection to server.
    just remove this already.

    3) You can push log with treehole with pistons, creating rubberwalls and similar stuff.
    just imba, make rubber logs unmovable or remove treehole on piston push.
    in current state this allow with set of pistons and some bonemeal craft treehole walls and farm rubber in unlimited amounts.

    4) Ability to place raw rubber on floor undocumented and looks like does nothing.

    5) Copper vs tin world generation looks a bit strange, tin have 3 times fewer generation chance, but have much more uses in stuff (single use cells consume lots of tin, batteries,ulv cables component of alloy), you will eventually end with no tin and hurge amount of copper, that have limited use.

    6) Crafting nuke with raw uran...omg lol
    5 minutes with xray and you able to raze anything...

    please return reactor based uran processing and disable crafting with raw uran, it's actually hitech device and shoud not be allowed at vanilla tier item with only iron pickaxe requirement.

    7) Worldgeneration rubber trees chance inside swamp biome is too high, trees spawn in large clusters, but actually shoud be (very)rare.
    World generation does not perform heigh check, it will place trees on cliffs and similar objects inside proper biome.
    no vines is spawned on swamp biome trees.
    foliage color looks fixed no matter were rubber trees located.
    not possible to grow rubber tree in nether.

    8) Nether + miner + pumps (currently bugged but still works) + geotermals == all other sources of energy useless.
    miner will harvest stack of lava cells in minutes, you may place unlimited amount of miners and feed them with geotermal and bukets (basically free energy).
    this actually kill all other types of energy, ever reactor, 5 geothermals is more then safe reactor may provide.

    9) Single iron fence will cause suffocation for players, who able to walk into clientside, but server will deal suffocation damage.

    10) Gold completely removed from IC2 crafting...(gold cable are useless due energy loss, when you get 128 you will have diamonds for glass fibre).

    11) Canned fuel is useless, it provide only 40% of energy you may get by simply burning stuff in generator, using redstone-glowstone is winbutton 4+2.
    also canned fuel does not display how many energy is stored inside.
    also there is no use of gunpowder (in ic1 gunpowder was t3 fuel bonus)

    12) Canned food heal health directly, not hunger, it fine but wont save you from starvation that 0.25 per second and will kill on hard.

    13) Geotermal does not show how many lava is left in GUI (12*20 is LARGE value, why not to show actual numbers?)

    14) There is no way to place lever directly on nuclear reactor\chamber and only option for 6 chambers - in front of lower chamber, forcing 3tps external cooling penalty (you will need to remove water here to place lever)

    15) No display of output\heat on reactor gui, basically fine, but user hostile.

    16) Overheated reactor will destroy blocks around, it able to destroy shutdown lever, ever after shutdown, that will make it active again...

    17) Lava generated by block destruction is removed next second, lavasource block generation in 1.00 was OK, you may have unlimited lava in nether anyway, currently it simply remove everything in 5*5*5 (including lava source blocks and personal blocks).

    18) Induction furnace redstone flag is inverted, when reactor and matter fabricator is shutdown - induction will activate, fine, but all machines shoud work same way.

    19) No way to place lever directly on matter fabricator.

    20) Pump + miner combo is broken and reqire second ready pump to work, second pump will never perform any operation or drain energy, just stay near.

    21) Terramorpher recipe is out there...(with clay, plantfuel from seeds,leaves,saplings, 6*batpack, and other really usefull stuff from ic1 that doesnot need any coding or baseclass modifications).

    22) Teleporter have 20 minimum range, that make close range teleportations extremely costly. there is no way to make cheap and effective portal door due this limit.
    May be revert this and make portal closer then 5 cost fixed and low amount of energy, maybe 5000 for player, no matter how many items in inventory.
    This will allow 100% safe reactor rooms with no entry, only pair of portals on sides of wall.

    23) Teslacoil will hit only one time per redstone signal, unlike teleporter that will work constantly.

    24) There is no way to cancel energy measure, possibly this can slowdown server\client.

    25) There is no way to cancel teleporter setup, no drawbacks actually.

    26) Wire coloring have problems in SMP, not updating colors for other players.

    27) Wrench break factor is "funny" and cannot be disabled (and looks like does not work at all at least for electrical one).

    28) Bronze pickaxe cant mine diamonds, bronze tools and armors basically useless, you will get dril at same time as bronze.

    29) Laser if have not enough energy will not shot but will consume all remaining energy anyway.
    noticable on longrange or explosive, it will not shoot last time, but will drain 9999 energy.

    30) Industrial electric\fuel "armor" will break on fall damage if discharged.
    possible fix, set maxdamage to zero on deplition, this will prevent inclusion into armor calculation and future damage (just like pumpkin on helmet slot)

    31) Rubber boots have durability reset "perk", not very funny, becouse they will not work after this and will get removed on any next damage.
    open inventory - they full, jump and they break with full fall damage.

    32) Tools, especially nano saber will glitch on durability change, show pickup\putdown animation, on tools it's nearly unnoticable, but nanosaber is totally fail.
    you will see constant pickup\putdown animation.

    33) Nanosaber can be glitched and will not drain any energy over time, if activated dropped and activated again.

    34) Quantum helmet does not need any iridium...

    35) Quantum armor does not disable damage on player.

    36) Jetpacks glitch in nether, resulting in player kicking for flying.

    37) Personal block can be removed with laser or any other explosion.

    38) You may link portal to itself, this will result in constant teleportations as long as you have energy and this will drain all energy.

    39) Hotkey menu is broken (where you can set hotkeys for actions) it have no place for hover\laser\quantum keys and they placed behind cancel button.

    40) Looks like you still cant change hotkeys.

  • 1) RE Batteries will flicker same way as tools when you charge stuff - constant pick\putdown animation.
    2) OV\OD Scaner perform client sided ore calculation on SMP.
    3) OV\OD Scaner flicker on use.
    4) Laser flicker on use.
    5) Miner will stop on web block.
    6) Laser will stop on web block.
    7) Chainsaw cant harvest web (it more sword then axe and share swort effectiveness in most cases)

    • Official Post

    1) Fixed already

    2) Feature

    3) Does make sense, i will look into fixing that.

    4) There's a lot of stuff "undocumented" because there's no documentation, player-side, at all. As well it's a trampoline and requires some physics to work correctly (trampolines don't work by dropping a sheet of rubber to the ground, do they).

    5) Yup, the row is Coal, Copper, Tin, Iron, etc Copper is meant to be more common.

    6) I don't see any point against that, nukes are (meant to be) toggleable server-sided either way.
    Probably i will change the recipe to the uran ingots, but there won't be much more.

    7) No, that's intended
    Doesn't seem like an issue to me.
    True, should fix that up somewhen
    Amusing. But i don't think i will remove it.

    8) Then tell me why people are still using other generators :3 You can as well place 3 million of Solar Panels, then any other energy is useless, too.

    9) Fixed already.

    10) I've still seen gold cables in use effectively. As well, a few recipes should still contain gold dust.

    11) Jep, canned foold needs a rework.

    12) It's on the list.

    13) Do furnaces show actual numbers?

    14) Nope, cooling is only based on the 3x3 block around the reactor. And if you supply redstone to a chamber, the reactor will trigger, as well.

    15) With implementation of reactor the heat control block was announced already.

    16) Jup, that's intended.

    17) Nope, it's an easyly avaible infinite lava source. Lava in nether isn't "unlimited" either, as well it's, unless peaceful, hazardrous to harvest lava in nether.

    18) Redstone flags are always based on "should this machine be running by default". Wheras f.e. a generator should, Furnaces shouldnt.

    19) Neat point, will be added.

    20) Fixed already.

    21) Fixed already.

    22) I will check into this, but afaik there's no fixed min range. Somebody may has overworked this, though.

    23) That's definitely a bug. Or an oversight of the guy who implemented it (and afaik that wasn't me this time).

    24) Nope, the usage is abyssimal small. Placing a new Solar Panel causes more CPU usage.

    25) Cancel teleporter setup? as in resetting a teleporter to no target? Why should one want to do that.

    26) Fixed already.

    27) 1. What's "funny"? 2. It's intended.

    28) Bronze should be on tier with iron, probably a typo. And no, bronze armor is definitely not useless, it's cheap (75% copper) and actually better then iron. Bronze tools are a different story, but i personally always bring a Bronze Pickaxe in case i run out of energy.
    As well, mind explaining to me how this is a "fixable bug"?

    29) Hmm, that should probably be fixed.

    30) Semi-Intended feature.
    Your "solution" is crap though, as already mentioned, don't mistake itemstacks and items.

    31) There's an weird error in this regard, we couldnt' exactly fix it yet.

    32) SSP or SMP?

    33) This sounds interesting, i will check it.

    34) Yes, slighty typo, will be fixed.

    35) Known issue, currently related to MCForge missing the armor hook and thus causing Nano&Quantum to be considered normal armor.

    36) Known issue, we're working on it.

    37) Fixed already.

    38) Jup, don't see why this should be a code-wise issue.

    39) Jep, but we can't fix this up, please ask Risugami to fix up his hotkey-methods.

    40) How/Why that?

    Thanks for the detailed feedback, there were quite some good points noted

    • Official Post

    1/3/4) We're working on this issue
    2) What exactly is the problem now? Double String-displa?
    5/6/7) Always the same pain with new blocks ^^ will be fixed.

  • 1.17) Nether is basically safe to mine, everything you need is build shield from ghasts, they cant crush cobble, soo its very easy task.
    avarage lava lakes depth is 10. with ov scaner you will get 810 lava cells per miner at cost of tin only.
    1.27) There is no way to disable break chance for machines, soo there is no way to setup "easy mod" server without it.
    Also there is no 2x 4x energy consumption option from IC1, no way to setup "hardcode" server.
    1.28) Main problem is drill power, no tool can match it, bronze armor is fine, but in 1.8.1 iron spawn rate almost doubled and you able to craft iron one much more faster and without any machines.
    1.32) Everything tested on remove SMP server, all tools,scaners, saber, laser and RE batteries will glitch animation, ever with zero delay connection but not every time, sometimes it go fine, but i was not able to detect actual cause of this, looks completely random.
    1.38) Simple error in teleporter setup will make you lose all your energy if you link it to itself, also this will possibly cause extreme amount of teleportations if you place such portal on mobfarm exit.
    2.2) Yes, OV\OD scaner display data two times and this data sometimes mismatch.
    New bugs collected:
    1) Mining pipes (placed by miner) will cause suffocation damage to player.
    2) Mass fabricator sound never off.
    3) Teleporter will disable blue particles after first teleport, but will stay active.
    4) Teleporter particles visible over blocks, there is no way to place teleporter trap, cos it will be visible to other players.
    5) Lowfocus laser not able to break brick blocks (but this block is not armored).
    6) Laser able to break glowstone (this make glowstone harvesting extremely easy).
    7) Laser will cause fire animation on mobs, but this fire does no damage.
    8) Electric furnace does not drop its inventory on dismount.
    9) Grass blocks not added to drill "iseffective" list, resulting in slow harvesting.
    10) Sometimes jetpack will drop from inventory leaving client sided jetpack on chest slot, this will result in anticheat kick. (basically jetpack durability go async with server).
    11) You may bring ice (watercell - snow - ice) into nether, break it and get water, making obsidian farms with no effort.
    this is basically vanilla bug, but ice is created with IC2 mod.
    12) No way to create snow directly from water buket, only watercells allowed.
    13) Destroying mining pipe tip will drop completely useless item that cannot be placed or used.


    14) Ghast magmabombs able to break iron fence.