Help: I dont have all the machines in my server but everything is good in single

  • I opened a server for me and my friend to play and I dont have half of the stuff.
    I cant craft them and I cant see them in TMI.
    BTW the missing stuff are the machines :/
    maybe something to do with the damage cus I have a generator and a personal chest.
    all the items and armors are there and working same with the lazer drills and all the other weapons.

    I have the Machine Block (250) but I dont have anything after(like 250-1 250-2 ....)

  • TMI in smp can only do what the give command allows it, and the basic server give command does not support damage values.

  • Soo.... :/ What do I do??
    And its not only the give command I cant craft any of them....
    and it can handle damage...
    I can spawn stuff like give name id damage... (give mangaluli 276 50)