Suggestions: tier-ed reactor system / ice block ?

  • now there are only uranium cells,cooling cells etc..

    i would like to suggest a system such as by crafting a 3x3 :Coolant Cell: , :Uranium Cell: ,etc you get a tier2 item with increased cooling etc
    example a :Uranium Cell: would create a 5 Eu/t and 10 heating but a tier 2 would maybe create a 10 Eu/t and 20 heating? this would require more resources but allow a more effecient reactor system and a tier3 item would require a 3x3 tier2 cell and create a double in its value example 20Eu/t and 40 heat?

    add more function to extractor such as water bucket > ice block ? "extractor" extracts the HEAT from water :D

  • I like that Idea, because Industralcraft is always about making things, then gather better ressources and make a better version of that thing.
    But instead of simply made 3x3 coolant cells to tier2 coolant cell(etc.) it could be more IC² like.

    Uranium Cell, Water Cell(real life Reactors work with Water, why not IC² reactors then?), reactor platin

    Plutonium Cell ( gained by complex Maceration, Compressing and refining Uranium), Coolant Cell (harder to make then Before maybe with a Circuit), and Integrated Heat Disperser (already implemented).

    No Ideas.

    Like you said Plutonium would make more heat and Energy then, but maybe at a better ratio? like 20 Energy per Tick but just 30 Heat? or the opposite to make it more balanced.Coolant cell better cooling than water cell etc.

  • maybe tier 3 can be using 3 tier2 :Uranium Cell: + 3:Matter: + 3 :Energy Crystal: + = anti-matter cell which create huge amount of heat and energy? or dark energy cell. x3 wow were moving into a tier 1 civilization. :P if we ever get anti-matter i wonder if well get a anti-matter bomb?? XD wow i would love to see it go off muhahahahaha :thumbup: