Lacking feature in the reactor calculator.

  • Hello.

    I just discovered this great forum yesterday, and i have found some very useful information and features, especially the reactor-design-tester thingy that i can use in my browser.

    But for me its lacking a key feature. I use redstone circuits to turn the reactor on and off, so it can cool down.

    Currently im using this design:…CHCUUCHCHCCHCHCHHCHCHCCHC
    (i set it to air, because there is some blocks of stone and some cable next to the reactor)
    And im using a timer, NOT gate and a redstone repeater to make the reactor shut off for 4 secs and on for 1, in a 5 sec cycle.

    It would be really great if it was possible to add that factor to the reactor calculator. Either a %-value of the "uptime". Like my reactor has a 20% uptime. Or maybe if one could plug in 2 numbers, like uptime and downtime. In my case that would be 1 sec uptime and 4 sec downtime. If both numbers are 0, then just go with a 100% uptime.

    I dont know anything about programming, but i hope that someone with some programming skills easily could add this feature to the reactor calculator.