Iron Fence Electric Damage Bug

  • Greetings and salutations, this is my first post in this forum as I am largely content to read the forum posts and wait for the mod developers to work on their own time without pointless comments.
    However, during the course of my Industrialcraft adventure, I've noted a bug which I have not seen thus far listed in the forum posts, titanpad, or search. My sincere regrets if this bug has been noted and I've missed it.

    The bug was encountered as follows:
    Dig a 1x3 hole down to bedrock.
    On one side of the hole, perform the minecraft jump-place-block routine to deploy iron fences straight up.
    At 18 iron fences of height cut out two blocks from side of the hole and place an additional iron fence beside the verticle pole you have just created. These fences should join together.
    At the moment of joining, I partially sunk through the block and began taking what I believe to be electrical damage.
    I had a pool of water placed at the bottom for this purpose, so I jumped off of the iron fence pole into the water and survived.
    However, upon walking over to the base of my pole, I began taking damage, as if the pole were electrified.

    I find this to be very strange, as I have no magnetizer attached, nor electric cable, nor batbox of any kind.
    I was able to stand on and touch my pole without damage up to the point where I placed the second iron fence beside the verticle pole and they joined.

    I am running 1.8.1, with the appropriate modloader, modloader mp, the mp fix, forge 1.1.1, etc.
    I am running Industrialcraft 1.15 SMP survival
    I do not have TMI or use other inventory editing methods, I get my toys the hard way.

    I've not tried reproducing this bug in either SSP or creative mode, however I've been able to reliably reproduce this most curious event in SMP.

    Have a good day sirs, and thank you for the hard work put into this mod. Minecraft is incredibly dull without it! :)

  • It's suffocation damage. I tested it and it only happens in multi-player. Just a minor oversight from making iron fences smaller than one block (You'll notice you only take the damage when your HEAD enters an iron fence block).

    It's really very annoying that iron fence squares can be entered anyway (they have a slight indentation). It makes it so you can free fall in adjacent columns of air, but since magnetizers ARE a full block and MUST be above/below the pole they magnetize, express elevators longer than 40 blocks are impossible.