how do i use the mass fab?

  • The 'progress' % should tick up slowly if it's powered correctly. If you replace it with an MFE/MFS, does that box start charging? If not, you're not getting power to the mass fab.

    If you put a scrap in the bottom slot, does it start making an annoying noise which instantly makes you want to smash it? I'm not sure if it needs to be powered to make that noise, I just wanted to complain.

    FWIW, I had a config where I butted it up directly against a transformer, and although it showed a red bolt in the interface, it wasn't working. I moved it to have 1x cable, and it ran fine. Not sure if the 'power' indicator in the interface works properly.

  • If a redstone signal is sent the massfab does not process (or consume) energy (zero work).

    Mass fabrication (creating uu mater to assemble in to other things) is /extremely/ expensive, and slightly less so with scrap.

    If you've just built a massfab chances are good you could be serviced even better by building a quad OV miner and MFE/MFS unit + stepdowns to power it. I average a handful of diamonds per mining op (sometimes a lot, sometimes none; usually one or two per quad shaft) among the 18x18 grid mined; though the setup and handling the chests full of stuff is a growing headache.