Upon making my "safe" version of this reactor (one that survives chunk loading/unloading) using 2 transposers, 5 filters and 2 deployers... I see that it can't really handle more then 1250 heat [2.5 buckets per second] ... which is odd considering I'm running on a 2 second timer. But I wired mine up more like yours, glasstables. So .. I'm thinking that there might be a difference between direct and indirect power on the filters [cos my extraction filter would jam the system before... I thought that the "fix" was the tube splitting now, to be able to evenly fill 2 depolyers with 1 filter... but then I noticed the slow-down. [Before there would never be more then 2 empty buckets in my reactor]

Mk5-CASUC 640 eu/tick 4.27 eff with redpower 2 pre3b (Outdated does not work properly on 1.0)
They fit in a chunk pretty easily, actually. Or at least mine does, it's like 5x7x4 or something silly (not counting the bits of red wires outside, retaining walls for water, etc ;)) - could actually be smaller, but I'm using a 3x5 pool of water for my 2 deployers
agreed, fitting them into a chunk sizewise isn't much of a problem, its moreso the planning ahead of time (if building this legit) that makes it more difficult, and remembering to keep whatever size you do have inside the same 16 by 16 area, not split. Don't worry about multiple floors, I can't imagine any of these being that complicated, although my automated reloading system looks like it might have to be kinda on its own above the thing (or below it), but thats an additional system to be added later in my mind.
Also, thinking about the rating system: we would still need a way to compare various frequencies and counts of it working, so I would say it should be something like the frequency (per minute) times the percent of counts in and out of the chunk out of how many times one can possibly enter and re-enter within one uranium cycle.
An couple examples of tests of the same reactor might look like:
frequency: 4 (once every 15 seconds)
count: 200 (out of a potential of ~667)so 4*(200/667)= ~1.2
However another test:
frequency: 2 (once every 30 seconds)
count: full length (~333)comes out to a rating of 2. This way a perfect count on any frequency equals that frequency. Of course it might be more convenient to measure in time of 100 seconds instead of 60 since it fits better into the uranium cycle, but obviously there's a lot to still sort out. Food for thought though.
Upon making my "safe" version of this reactor (one that survives chunk loading/unloading) using 2 transposers, 5 filters and 2 deployers... I see that it can't really handle more then 1250 heat [2.5 buckets per second] ... which is odd considering I'm running on a 2 second timer. But I wired mine up more like yours, glasstables. So .. I'm thinking that there might be a difference between direct and indirect power on the filters [cos my extraction filter would jam the system before... I thought that the "fix" was the tube splitting now, to be able to evenly fill 2 depolyers with 1 filter... but then I noticed the slow-down. [Before there would never be more then 2 empty buckets in my reactor]
How many filters are hooked up to the reactor for extraction? I have never gotten the whole 1 filter thing to work out beneficially. That isn't to say that I haven't gotten it to work, but it doesn't work beyond 1250 heat because like I said earlier, the filters still can only take out 2.5 buckets per second. The only difference in increasing the timer is a change in how early the respond to taking out empty buckets, not how many they can actually take out. This improves how many they actually take out, but only to something still slightly below the theoretical perfect due to the way things work out. So without the .2 timer, its even worse, but with a .2 timer its pretty close to the theoretical. Still, with it only ever being able to reach even a theoretical 2.5 buckets per second with only one filter on extraction, you can actually get more EU/t by decreasing the chamber by one, putting another extraction filter on (and pair of deployers to go with it), and just going nuts. I know its so much overkill at that point, but you still get more out of it than you could with just one. Also, overkill is probably better in this case, tbh none of these designs are lacking in amazing amounts of EU/t, but a lot of these designs are lacking in safety and reliability.
Well, I didn't set up nearly enough t flip flops (I think for the future I'm going to just have a chest full of cobble stacks or something, and pull out one at a time, would be a much better counting system). Still, I've been at this minecart test for almost the whole cycle now and... lemme check up on it (gotta get out of the minecart). Still working! I made sure to check every part of the system too, as I know looks can be deceiving if one doesn't check everything. My frequency was about once or twice per minute, so not too much, but we've made a huge leap guys!
Edit: now I finally realize why the IC stuff seemed to get ahead of the RP stuff very slowly. it wasn't the order they loaded in, it has to do with the 2.5 buckets per second only being a theoretical maximum, as in, only if those buckets appear perfectly timed for the extraction stuff to grab, which will obviously not always be the case, even if it is sometimes the case, thus the cooling system loses ground, but very slowly, making it difficult to see at first.
How many filters are hooked up to the reactor for extraction? I have never gotten the whole 1 filter thing to work out beneficially. That isn't to say that I haven't gotten it to work, but it doesn't work beyond 1250 heat because like I said earlier, the filters still can only take out 2.5 buckets per second. The only difference in increasing the timer is a change in how early the respond to taking out empty buckets, not how many they can actually take out. This improves how many they actually take out, but only to something still slightly below the theoretical perfect due to the way things work out. So without the .2 timer, its even worse, but with a .2 timer its pretty close to the theoretical. Still, with it only ever being able to reach even a theoretical 2.5 buckets per second with only one filter on extraction, you can actually get more EU/t by decreasing the chamber by one, putting another extraction filter on (and pair of deployers to go with it), and just going nuts. I know its so much overkill at that point, but you still get more out of it than you could with just one. Also, overkill is probably better in this case, tbh none of these designs are lacking in amazing amounts of EU/t, but a lot of these designs are lacking in safety and reliability.
Well, I didn't set up nearly enough t flip flops (I think for the future I'm going to just have a chest full of cobble stacks or something, and pull out one at a time, would be a much better counting system). Still, I've been at this minecart test for almost the whole cycle now and... lemme check up on it (gotta get out of the minecart). Still working! I made sure to check every part of the system too, as I know looks can be deceiving if one doesn't check everything. My frequency was about once or twice per minute, so not too much, but we've made a huge leap guys!
Edit: now I finally realize why the IC stuff seemed to get ahead of the RP stuff very slowly. it wasn't the order they loaded in, it has to do with the 2.5 buckets per second only being a theoretical maximum, as in, only if those buckets appear perfectly timed for the extraction stuff to grab, which will obviously not always be the case, even if it is sometimes the case, thus the cooling system loses ground, but very slowly, making it difficult to see at first.
One. [The other four just move filled buckets around like your system. Like I said it's limited to 2.5 buckets per second using a similar wiring method to yours. So 1250 heat cap.] It's a 4-chamber reactor I was able to get it to handle this much Uranium:
[But didn't feel safe enough to try to unload/load the chunk in that state]Ed: Um, as far as loading times and such, I know before my filter would extract faster... making it fill the deployer and then bounce the empties back into the reactor... causing the reactor to not be able to take in full buckets... then BOOM! [least I expect that's what happened considering I was able to reproduce the results with non-reactor tests; as well as by the amount of empty buckets I found in the crater] -- I should test if 1 filter feeding 2 deployers would fix the situation. Cos it might [or would at least give twice the storage before catastrophic failure].
One. [The other four just move filled buckets around like your system. Like I said it's limited to 2.5 buckets per second using a similar wiring method to yours. So 1250 heat cap.] It's a 4-chamber reactor I was able to get it to handle this much Uranium:
[But didn't feel safe enough to try to unload/load the chunk in that state]Ed: Um, as far as loading times and such, I know before my filter would extract faster... making it fill the deployer and then bounce the empties back into the reactor... causing the reactor to not be able to take in full buckets... then BOOM! [least I expect that's what happened considering I was able to reproduce the results with non-reactor tests; as well as by the amount of empty buckets I found in the crater] -- I should test if 1 filter feeding 2 deployers would fix the situation. Cos it might [or would at least give twice the storage before catastrophic failure].
personally I wouldn't worry about 1 filter designs, simply because of all that theoretical stuff, but in addition because even if they ran at the theoretical maximum, the extra chamber you gain does you no good because you can only handle 1250 heat. The only way I can think of to increase it further would be to have overheated redstone engines on a wooden pipe, and use the pipe for both extraction and insertion, but without a filter on the wooden pipe, it would be near impossible to get working and keep working, as it would pull out the wrong buckets all the time, and be really unstable. Of course there's probably a mod that has wooden filter pipes, but none popular for SMP servers that I know of, and I want this to be possible for more than a few people, and on the server I play on.
Edit: also, I found that each filter/deployer system does much better if there is an extra deployer for each filter, but it doesn't actually complicate it much or make it much bigger because of how they can share water troughs.
personally I wouldn't worry about 1 filter designs, simply because of all that theoretical stuff, but in addition because even if they ran at the theoretical maximum, the extra chamber you gain does you no good because you can only handle 1250 heat. The only way I can think of to increase it further would be to have overheated redstone engines on a wooden pipe, and use the pipe for both extraction and insertion, but without a filter on the wooden pipe, it would be near impossible to get working and keep working, as it would pull out the wrong buckets all the time, and be really unstable. Of course there's probably a mod that has wooden filter pipes, but none popular for SMP servers that I know of, and I want this to be possible for more than a few people, and on the server I play on.
Edit: also, I found that each filter/deployer system does much better if there is an extra deployer for each filter, but it doesn't actually complicate it much or make it much bigger because of how they can share water troughs.
Idk what you mean by theoretical maximum. My first CASUC reactor ran stable at 1500 heat... for ~3/4 of a cycle before I said "ok, enough baby-sitting this thing, the only way it'll break if there's some distance-based chunk loading issue" ... So I tested, and it exploded, and I said "Yepp, I thought that might happen."
[Though that cooling system was just 1 filter, 1 deployer and 1 transposer. (and may have occupied more then 1 chunk, cos I didn't even think to try to line it up with one
and was built legit. And blew up my entire world :()]
I know what mcedit can do to redstone and lights so you always have to put some redstone torches and/or lights to update the blocks so they work normally. Through in complicated redstone circuits this can be a problem sometimes. Also dont forget to put it in 1 chunk i forgot that the first time and now I got another nice hole in my test world and destroyed that pesky npc village.
As for the classification part i dunno how you want to test it in a less time consuming way. I tested mine about 20 times and if i look to what it should do in theory it should never ever blow up so if we are going to make such classification there should be a cap at which it will be declared failsafe. But it will still take lots of time.
Also if a filter is wired to a 0.4 sec timer it can only cool 1250 max per tick. This is just simple maths since 0.4 sec means 2.5 buckets per second and each bucket cools 500 heat so 500*2,5=1250.
I know what mcedit can do to redstone and lights so you always have to put some redstone torches and/or lights to update the blocks so they work normally. Through in complicated redstone circuits this can be a problem sometimes. Also dont forget to put it in 1 chunk i forgot that the first time and now I got another nice hole in my test world and destroyed that pesky npc village.
As for the classification part i dunno how you want to test it in a less time consuming way. I tested mine about 20 times and if i look to what it should do in theory it should never ever blow up so if we are going to make such classification there should be a cap at which it will be declared failsafe. But it will still take lots of time.
Also if a filter is wired to a 0.4 sec timer it can only cool 1250 max per tick. This is just simple maths since 0.4 sec means 2.5 buckets per second and each bucket cools 500 heat so 500*2,5=1250.
Lols I think we need to get some of the quirky behavior out of them before we start classifying them. Cos my filter on a 0.2 second timer is still only cooling 1250 (so I have to assume it's only pulling 2.5 buckets / second).
[Apparently it was a RP2pr2 vs RP2pr3b, they're just slower now (0.4 seconds)... or it's due to my lack of overflow loop but idk how that would affect it [other then it could cause filled buckets to jump out of the filter instead of the reactor :P] -
I think eloraam putted a cap on how fast the machines can work else it would be too op maybe. Maybe ask him (or her i dont know) :).
Here is my next design:
http://www.2shared.com/file/-xse6MAU/Uranumator.htmlIts pretty much a fully completed reactor with a nice control room. Its has 3 floors. The bottom floor is where the cooling system is housed the middle floor is where the redstone circuits are housed and the top floor is the control room and acces to the reactor for refueling. I made is so that you can acces all floors easily. The control room got a nice system with lights :). Most of the building is supposed to be underground and only the top floor will be above ground.
Whole reactor fits in 1 chunk easily. The detector system is very sensitive. At the first signs that less buckets are coming out it will shutdown. If you want to run it with less uranium just change the redstone repeater which is directly wired to the detector. Longer delays means it will keep running with less buckets that pass the detector block. Through dont expect it to run with like 4 uranium.
Tell me what you think about this one :).
I think eloraam putted a cap on how fast the machines can work else it would be too op maybe. Maybe ask him (or her i dont know) :).
Did you guys read my post or not? I already told you guys, yes, there is a cap on how fast they go, but they can respond to either half of a .2 timer, so putting a .2 timer on it is still better, but it still doesn't always pull out 2.5 buckets per second, because the appearance of empty buckets doesn't always exactly coincide with even a .2 timer, leading to a delay of 0 to .15 seconds before the filter pulls the bucket out, which varies each time, and accounts for how it slowly falls behind in a weird way, that may even take more than a cycle to fall that far behind because it is so infrequent.
Also, what I've been trying to tell you is that I can fit the same amount of uranium in and generate slightly more EU/t with one more chamber missing, and I'm not sure how you aren't seeing what I mean yet. I'll show you the internal reactor design again... http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…d0=1010101011301521s1r11r
See what I mean? It can produce more without the extra chamber anyways because of how it needs cooling, and can be much more stable and robust at the same time, so until there is a faster/better way of interacting with the reactor (being able to interact with chambers/being able to use machines faster) having two chambers missing is optimum, and there's no point fiddling around with a single filter extraction design, because even if it worked perfectly, it couldn't handle any more heat than a double filter extraction design anyways.
I know what mcedit can do to redstone and lights so you always have to put some redstone torches and/or lights to update the blocks so they work normally. Through in complicated redstone circuits this can be a problem sometimes. Also dont forget to put it in 1 chunk i forgot that the first time and now I got another nice hole in my test world and destroyed that pesky npc village.
As for the classification part i dunno how you want to test it in a less time consuming way. I tested mine about 20 times and if i look to what it should do in theory it should never ever blow up so if we are going to make such classification there should be a cap at which it will be declared failsafe. But it will still take lots of time.
Also if a filter is wired to a 0.4 sec timer it can only cool 1250 max per tick. This is just simple maths since 0.4 sec means 2.5 buckets per second and each bucket cools 500 heat so 500*2,5=1250.
I agree, it does take time. I think we may have just crossed the point where we can't fail it right before I created the test lol. I think maybe we should just use a standard frequency which is very, very small (like a tiny circle overlapping the two chunks) and count the amount of time it takes to blow up, maybe not beyond like 10 minutes, because it's probably fine if it can handle being unloaded/reloaded pretty much once every second for 5 or 10 minutes straight. After thinking about it for a while, this test really only satisfies people on a true/false basis, as in, noone is really gonna wanna risk a reactor that has a chance of blowing up if they walk along the border, no matter how many times it takes. Also, hardly any of these designs blew up if they made it past 5, so its probably safe to assume that they just work after a short test (like I said, 5 to 10 minutes). Seems like they either work or they don't, and in the end that's all people care about, including me. So maybe we'll just use this as a standard pass/fail test instead of a measurement test. This way also doesn't require you to wire something 300 blocks away, you can just walk back and see, which is much better for people who play legit. Still, in my mind there are actually three results to the test: those which don't stop running nor explode, those which stop running, but don't explode (because a failsafe worked properly), and lastly those which explode. I think people would be willing to build either of the first two legit, but personally, I would only build the 2nd if it had a way of starting itself up again, because I don't always want to have to check on it. I check on mine often now because I'm still excited about it, but eventually it will be a pain if I have to check up on it whenever I go 300 blocks away.
Anyways, I've gotta get going on the next improvements to my design, I'll take a look at yours soon rick, maybe it'll give me some ideas as far as alert systems go. Do you plan on having a note block alarm as well? I do, along with all the debug lamps etc.
I know what mcedit can do to redstone and lights so you always have to put some redstone torches and/or lights to update the blocks so they work normally. Through in complicated redstone circuits this can be a problem sometimes. Also dont forget to put it in 1 chunk i forgot that the first time and now I got another nice hole in my test world and destroyed that pesky npc village.
As for the classification part i dunno how you want to test it in a less time consuming way. I tested mine about 20 times and if i look to what it should do in theory it should never ever blow up so if we are going to make such classification there should be a cap at which it will be declared failsafe. But it will still take lots of time.
Also if a filter is wired to a 0.4 sec timer it can only cool 1250 max per tick. This is just simple maths since 0.4 sec means 2.5 buckets per second and each bucket cools 500 heat so 500*2,5=1250.
I've tried torches before and my deployers were just permanently stuck after mcediting a working version, so what I did was always take an mcedit version before testing any of my designs, then ran it and found out if it was good enough to use. Taking the mcedit before running it wasn't usually too much of a problem though, as I usually had to mcedit it all into one chunk before beginning testing anyways, as my usual building process looks something like this:
1)generate new world
2)find flat spot wherever
3)use TMI and creative mode to build somethingAs you can see I don't pay too much attention to where or which chunk I'm in, as long as its flat. I used to keep an empty test world around, but I stopped worrying about that a while ago.
Atm my reactor got 3 lamps:
-red lamp for the reactor being off
-orange lamp for the reactor being on but still in the 5 secs heat up phase
-green lamp for the system being fully opperational.I can imagine something like a tower with a light on it to show whether the reactor is on or off can come in handy (since i do not know yet if the shutdown triggers upon loading/unloading chunks). As for noteblocks they are nice but it would also increase the space my reactor takes. Cant think of a reason other than 'coolness' that you would need them.
Also have to modify my design a bit its still using 1 filter to pull out the buckets. Through its only 50 eu/tick more its still a improvement :). Also changed the first post to be more up to date to current designs.
Atm my reactor got 3 lamps:
-red lamp for the reactor being off
-orange lamp for the reactor being on but still in the 5 secs heat up phase
-green lamp for the system being fully opperational.I can imagine something like a tower with a light on it to show whether the reactor is on or off can come in handy (since i do not know yet if the shutdown triggers upon loading/unloading chunks). As for noteblocks they are nice but it would also increase the space my reactor takes. Cant think of a reason other than 'coolness' that you would need them.
Also have to modify my design a bit its still using 1 filter to pull out the buckets. Through its only 50 eu/tick more its still a improvement :). Also changed the first post to be more up to date to current designs.
yup, and it leads to a convenient amount of EU/t like I said earlier. I don't know what you mean by noteblocks increasing the speed, could you clarify? The reason other than coolness would be that you can hear note blocks from 48 blocks away, and if they are in the corners of the chunk, you'd be able to hear them while digging or messing around in general in your base, such that you don't have to always look for a light, although still the tower is nice. I don't think I'd have noteblocks going off though while it was running, I think they'd only be when it had a problem, and only every couple minutes so they don't annoy the crap out of you if you can't get there right away.
Edit: I don't know how many times I read "space" as speed, but I understand now. Sorry about that.
Modified my reactor to use 2 filters pulling out the buckets and added 2 buffer chests (both with a filter) to keep the buckets flowing. So now its running at 640 eu/tick too.
Edit: First post updated with new reactor planner and mcedit schematic.
I recently found out that transposers can take a seemingly infinite amount of items from the air in one pulse. This doesn't allow for any more speed in empty buckets being taken out, but helps a ton with my refill stuff, and wiring what was becoming a complicated and jam packed area. I have reduced my transposers to 1 now, and reduced the amount of time it takes for buckets to get from the transposer to the buffer chest to 0, improving my design greatly. I'll post it when I have the rest of the refilling stuff figured out, but figured you guys could benefit from the information, as it might be a little while before I get the rest of the refilling stuff figured out. If everything goes as planned it will be out tonight, but to be realistic it will probably be tomorrow, especially since I'm trying to get it to fit in one chunk as well.
Btw this will be freaking expensive to make legitemaly. I mean just looking at the buckets. 2 full chests + all those buckets in the pipes that is over 150 buckets. More cost more reward :).
Btw this will be freaking expensive to make legitemaly. I mean just looking at the buckets. 2 full chests + all those buckets in the pipes that is over 150 buckets. More cost more reward :).
Mine now has only 1 double chest because of the delay being taken out of the time in the air/tubes from transposers. Also, that really isn't too much considering the resources we're using. I mean, mine would take only 162 iron. now that sounds like a lot, but thats only about 2 and a half stacks. I don't know about you, but I have so much iron I barely even know what to do with it. Uranium, on the other hand, I have plenty of, but now I know what I'm doing with it. Figuring out a machine that can calculate the optimum amount of near-depleted isotope cells is proving very difficult, so i think i'll just focus on basic refilling for now, and build in the option for such a machine. I'll need a lot of help from you to figure out the calculating machine afterwards.
Edit: The reward is also insane, like you said. If this thing were to only create UU matter, and the MF was supplied with the appropriate amount of scrap, you could make about 2.2 stacks of diamonds with all the UU, and you'd have pretty much exactly 19 stacks of UU matter. stacks.
150 buckets = 450 iron thats alot more than 150 :). That are only the buckets nothing else.
Its pretty much the endgame generator setup.
As for breeding i already had a idea of a 4000 heat breeder with each uranium cell being surounded by 4 depleted cells. It would turn 5 uranium ore to 8 uranium cells and requires little to none babysitting. But i really dont know a way to make it 6000 or even 9000 heat without babysitting.