Hi all, first post on this awesome forum.
I wanted to know what the highest EU reactor was.
And to be clear here. I don't want an efficient reactor, I have to much uranium as is.
If anyone knows a nice design, please post it.
Also, you can use a redstone clock, but I don't think the on average highest EU running reactor needs a cool down.
Best design so far I know of was this one: LINK
Highest EU (on average) reactor
590 eu/tick
4.21 eff
Water cooled with bucketsI uses up 28 uranium in 1 cycle and makes over 100 mil eu in a cycle. Enough to fill your MSFU's fast.
I did try that, but with only 1 filter and 1 deployer it always explodes at some point, or it drops water buckets on the ground because the filter can't keep up. Maybe you could send me a save file so I could see what I'm doing wrong.
My whole system is running on a 0,4 timer so thats 2.5 buckets per seconds (or 1250 cooling per tick). I also made 2 transposers that catch the buckets that dont fit in the reactor . Runs without much problems atm iam just making it saver incase something happens.
My whole system is running on a 0,4 timer so thats 2.5 buckets per seconds (or 1250 cooling per tick). I also made 2 transposers that catch the buckets that dont fit in the reactor . Runs without much problems atm iam just making it saver incase something happens.
Yepp, was learning redpower2 so I could make one of these reactors (to see if it'll blow up) first thing I made was an overflow loop using 1 transposer to stuff the buckets back into the reactor. Planning on using a 0.2 timer to run the deployer/filters.
They wont work on 0.2 if they would work i would have used that :). 0.4 is the fastest you can use without jamming them.
After adding a buffer in front of the injection transposer and behind the empty bucket remover it did run perfectly. Now this reactor is running with even more uranium cells you use. I added 2 next to each other in the 2nd row, and one all by himself on the first row. Now it does 635 EU/t and it didn't blow up so far. I also build an other design with 1 reactor chamber less. I filled all the rows except for the top row. I only have 3 cells there. 2 connected to each other and 1 alone. It produces 695 EU/t. That is 60 EU/t more than your design, but wow, 2 600 EU/t+ Mark 1 reactor. And Alblaka wanted us to believe the perfect reactor's didn't exist.
If you only use IC2 you cannot make such a reactor. Also it can blow up. The cooling system can be bugged if you log in sometimes and i dunno why (which is exactly why i put a pressureplate there to shut it down fast).
They wont work on 0.2 if they would work i would have used that :). 0.4 is the fastest you can use without jamming them.
Whatcha mean jam? I've yet to have one jam on me yet (unless you count the two times I wound up duping buckets, but that was really my own fault, apparently ... and they multiplied so quickly
had a stack of 64000 buckets in a few seconds... :P)
My machines don't jam with the timer double the speed, but they don't work any faster either. I do have a not gate with a pulsformer behind it to invert the clock signal for the filters that take the buckets out. I think this way the buckets have a change to empty before the filters get a tick. Now I have my 3 chamber reactor filled all the way with only 3 slots for buckets left and it seems to run fine while producing a nice 705 EU/t. Logging out and back in while it is running doesn't have any effect on my setup. I'm going to build it in SMP tomorrow so I can see if its going to be used in my servers. Would love to build a huge machine room that can be used by 20 people at a time which runs of just 1 reactor.
With 0,2 timer they dont jam but dont work any faster either through if you use 0,3 sec it will jam. Also there is a slight chance your cooling system will bug out when you login. Happened to me my reactor was running for over 5 hours nonstop when i logged back on it suddenly exploded with no reason. Didnt change anything it just exploded while i checked it a hour ago and it was full with water buckets no sign that the cooling system couldnt handle it. Iam guessing the way minecraft works can sometimes bug out this system.
These designs are absolutely useless in SMP. Even hosted locally on a 8 GB ram, 4 GHZ quad core machine and just 1 player in the server, it starts to run like shit when you turn on the reactor. I will probably have to wait for a less buggy version of redpower 2. At least I got Bukkit working with Industrialcraft 1.23, buildcraft 2.2.4, zeldo's additional pipes and a hole lot of Bukkit plugins.
After adding a buffer in front of the injection transposer and behind the empty bucket remover it did run perfectly. Now this reactor is running with even more uranium cells you use. I added 2 next to each other in the 2nd row, and one all by himself on the first row. Now it does 635 EU/t and it didn't blow up so far. I also build an other design with 1 reactor chamber less. I filled all the rows except for the top row. I only have 3 cells there. 2 connected to each other and 1 alone. It produces 695 EU/t. That is 60 EU/t more than your design, but wow, 2 600 EU/t+ Mark 1 reactor. And Alblaka wanted us to believe the perfect reactor's didn't exist.
as we know well these reactors are not That safe, and it has already been stated that the only way to keep them running is by mass fabricating uranium, so they are also very uranium hungry
first of all a concept design from before Redpower 2 this one was supposed to be used with BC (5 chambers):
personally, I think that this one: http://test.vendaria.net/index…XHUUUUHXHXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXX
is efficient enough for me,
but if you really want to push the boundary: http://test.vendaria.net/index…UHUUUUUXHXUUUXXXXXXXXXXXX
only 7 bucket slots!!!
but if you can get it working it will PWN -
I've run mine for hours at a time, and it never blew up once after I got the design figured out (I run it with only 3 buckets slots now). In SSP this design worked absolutely flawlessly. In SMP, its a different story, but you can read that in my previous post.
Through with some work you can prevent meltdowns but not always. When sensors come in redpower i may be able to make a truly safe CASUC reactor through its gonna be expensive like hell.
So other than efficiency this reactor is utterly useless. It uses more space, more resources and more time to build and it does'nt produce much more energy/t than 16 Mark 1 reactors with 2 chambers which can fit in a 8 by 7 by 11 space which includes power lines and glass to show off the reactor. And they don't need huge amounts of shielding or other safety features because they can't blow up. They also don't really need redstone and they work on SMP without burning through your CPU and internet bandwidth to send a trillion chunck updates every second. So use this design in SSP if you really want, but I'm not going to use it in my server. And btw through, thought and though are 3 completely different words with different meanings. So could you please keep that in mind? Thanks in advance.
I made a casuc reactor now that doesnt blows up :). We discovered that it was the chunk loading that made it blow up so now we make the entire reactor in 1 chunk. On top of that i use a detector block to stop it if something goes wrong (which works extremely good).
I think mine takes the crown as the highest EU/t reactor out there
Reactor Specs:
EU/t: 845
EFF: 4.33
Consecutive Cycles: 7.81
Cooldown Time: 7 seconds
Highest Heat Level: 1632
http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=2187 -
It works on ice, so how are you going to get enough ice without cheating?
It works on ice, so how are you going to get enough ice without cheating?
Its impossible to run it (maybe with a freaking huge EE ice generator) without cheating. Its a reactor for the lols.