My first Nuclear Reactor: MK5-EA (fully automated).

  • Hey, I've just created my first nuclear reactor and this is my basic design so far:

    I believe it's a Mk5-EA reactor.

    What I've done is, following the times which this online app has given me I have set up a timer system using RedPower which makes it that the reactor will run for 16s, then get 900s (15min) to cool down.
    Do you guys believe this will work? And is this actually efficient or is this design just completely retarded?
    I don't care for a constant stream of power, since I'm just using this reactor to power my Mass-Fabricator and nothing else.

    I'd like your opinion on this, I have already set up the reactor and timer etc. I'm just waiting to see what you guys think about it before I put all of the uranium/coolant cells in there.

  • Hmm. After clicking with the digital thermometer addon on my reactor it turns out that apparently it will start evaporating water at 8000 heat, which I do not want it to do.
    Thanks to I was able to determine that my reactor will reach 8000 heat after about 9 ticks (I believe that equals to 9 seconds). However, I was not able to determine how long it will take to cool down. Can someone help me know how long this would take?

  • With that much uran it'll have very low output, might as well use solar panels :D

    Edit: Because of OP external cooling, believe it's more efficient to make many small reactors on timers. As an example, hooking this reactor to a 1/7 clock will yield 20 eu/tick,and you can make almost 3 at the same cost as a single full reactor. Greater efficiency than a square setup on full reactor, and still mk.1 with the clock :)

  • Remember now all clocked reactors are Mark III
    interesting idea there Desuman Ill be looking into slightly lower powered designs of that now...
    My run of the moment design: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…wvxxby5ym7uvhsdliwta5qh4w
    it will be able to run on/off 40%/60% at 200/300 tick increments this is limited by the maximum heat capacity of the centered HD (which would burn out quickly otherwise)

    it could be optimized (Ive left a 4 second safety margin)
    anyway. ill be having fun on the next server I find with RP

  • With that much uran it'll have very low output, might as well use solar panels :D

    I thought the more uranium cells you had, the higher the output of the reactor... And that test app is showing me that it would output 700 EU/t...
    I'm kind of confused by what you mean there, I probably didn't read something correctly when reading the wiki page for reactors... Care to explain?


    Edit: Because of OP external cooling, believe it's more efficient to make many small reactors on timers. As an example, hooking this reactor to a 1/7 clock will yield 20 eu/tick,and you can make almost 3 at the same cost as a single full reactor. Greater efficiency than a square setup on full reactor, and still mk.1 with the clock :)

    Yeah but that's the thing, my idea was to have one central reactor and have it run for not long but when it is running output as much power as possible. My reactor is powering nothing but my mass fabricator, so I really don't care about having a constant output.


    Remember now all clocked reactors are Mark III

    Oh ok, as I said I'm new to this.


    My run of the moment design: http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.blueyonder.…uvhsdliwta5qh4w
    it will be able to run on/off 40%/60% at 200/300 tick increments this is limited by the maximum heat capacity of the centered HD (which would burn out quickly otherwise)

    All that technical talk ("run on/off 40%/60% at 200/300 tick increments this is limited by the maximum heat capacity of the centered HD" has got me kinda confused once again, care to explain in a language that a newbie to reactors can understand easier?

  • 1. He was being ironic here

    2. There are three types of Efficiency with reactors: Uranium, Resource and Time
    increasing the Uranium efficiency will most probably reduce time efficiency (if you have to take a 10 minute break every 5 minutes then your reactor will need 3x the time to use 1 set of uranium) this means that the average EU/t over both on/off cycles could actually be less on a Mark V compared to a Mark I.
    resource efficiency is a one time investment but making your reactors legitimately actually takes a Crapload of tin and copper but less iron then other power sources
    also alot of Adv circuits are needed.
    Time wise it takes 10 000 seconds (reactor ticks) to use up a set of uranium cells if running nonstop.
    he could be talking about uranium efficiency or resource efficiency here.

    3. I was talking to Desuman here if you look at his post he says "still Mark I with the clock" this is wrong, all Reactor which have to be switched off midcycle are Mark III or upwards.

    4. what I meant here is that the reactor has to have a 2 time on / 3 time off(cooldown) cycle controlled by a redstone clock. But because of the single HeatDisperser nestled between 4 triple pulsed uranium cells it heats up very quickly so therefore the reactor has to run on super short cycles of 200/300 On/off to avoid melting this key component. (because without it the reactor would emit 24 more heat/tick rather than its current heat production)

  • 4. what I meant here is that the reactor has to have a 2 time on / 3 time off(cooldown) cycle controlled by a redstone clock. But because of the single HeatDisperser nestled between 4 triple pulsed uranium cells it heats up very quickly so therefore the reactor has to run on super short cycles of 200/300 On/off to avoid melting this key component. (because without it the reactor would emit 24 more heat/tick rather than its current heat production)

    So if I build my reactor according to your design, I'd have to set my timer system to have the reactor on for 200seconds (200t) and off for 300? If that's the case then I could easily do that.

    However, I'm not sure how I can get 24 water blocks to touch it if I still need redstone wiring to go to it... Does the water have to be touching the reactor directly or can it be touching it diagonally?

    From what I have understood so far on the water cooling mechanics, water will only cool the reactor if directly touching it and from what I have seen in my test world:

    Only 14 water blocks (in this case, replaced by glass blocks for clarity's sake) can be in direct contact with a 2-chamber reactor at once. Yet your design says that you have 24 blocks touching...

  • what you need to do is have the reactor floating (flipped 90degrees to horizontal)
    and have it in a chamber where the 3^3 cube is surrounded completely (except for the red in power out blocks)
    then you have restone powering a repeter powering on of the chambers to turn off the reactor
    the inside if the enclosed space should be entirely filled with waterblocks (that particular design should never get above 10% (1200) hull heat
    as long as you time it properly
    so no worries about water evaporating.