I would really love to be able again to push rubber tree blocks around. This way you can make a more dense rubber farm instead of having single rubber blocks floating around.
- Gorni
I would really love to be able again to push rubber tree blocks around. This way you can make a more dense rubber farm instead of having single rubber blocks floating around.
- Gorni
Agreed, not sure i understand that change, all it really did was keep us from cleaning it up some.
i approve change to non-pushable, but just for industrial freaks IC could have setting for it
to clarify: they were pushable but aint anymore. and id like them pushable again.
i know they were, it was actually posted in bugs 2 weeks ago to make them un-pushable and approved by alblaka
Quote3) You can push log with treehole with pistons, creating rubberwalls and similar stuff.
just imba, make rubber logs unmovable or remove treehole on piston push.
in current state this allow with set of pistons and some bonemeal craft treehole walls and farm rubber in unlimited amounts.
Quote3) Does make sense, i will look into fixing that.
Granted it was overpowered.
If you took the time to do so..
Which I spent a couple of hours on and I loved my wall which meant I no longer got scared of my rubber tree graveyard D:
But yes.
I strongly want this back
if alb thought it was overpowered and "fixed" that on purpose...well we can guess it won't come back then.
i just have a small forest of those trees, cutting down those that dont have holes and leaving those that have intact (maybe with little beautification) for harvesting
and my map have a big swamp full of those if i'm short on rubber just in the middle of it anyway