Direwolf20's Server Play - IC2, BC, Zeldo's Pipes, and RP2 Pre2(soon 3)
- Direwolf20
- Closed
Episode 3 is up, 4 is uploading
5 and 6 are up.
lol i didn't know you had a post here, I'm glad to tell I LOVE the work you do on the server with zeldo! Keep up the good work
Dude you probably have the best IC2 LP on YouTube I've looked at other ones after watching yours but none have been near the level yours is.
And i cant wait for more to watch.
I'm up to episode 10 now, just FYI
Pretty much an instant watch whenever you put one up. For that fact..Good job.
Thanks man
up to ep. 13 now.
hey direwolf just wanted 2 say that i love your videos and you do a great job commentating oh and if you get the chance i need some1 who knows a ton about the mods i have and that seems 2 be rare 2 rate my base, i have so id like it if you would find the time to do that for me, the link is http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=20984#post20984
Peace out,
slauter24 -
Try a chainsaw the next time you want to remove large amounts of cables
You know, I've never tried that ;). I always use a sword.
BTW Player -- try hitting a tin cable with an electric wrench. It does something weird. Meant to submit that as a bug report....
hey direwolf just wanted 2 say that i love your videos and you do a great job commentating oh and if you get the chance i need some1 who knows a ton about the mods i have and that seems 2 be rare 2 rate my base, i have so id like it if you would find the time to do that for me, the link is http://forum.industrial-craft.…ad&postID=20984#post20984
Peace out,
slauter24I'll take a look when i get home from work, pics are blocked
I'll take a look when i get home from work, pics are blocked
Thank you for looking when ya do, i haev been working on the base for not to long maybe 1 week and a half. im making a auto dia factory next!
oh and you cant see this but under the ground are
's by my front door and other main buildings to prevent any pesky mobs lol
Very nice looking!
I suck at making things look good. Sure, they function pretty well - but look good? no:(
i got an odd view on mc nothing truely looks bad in mc other then all planks/cobble builds, meaning that even your very boxy build still looks good (a.k.a. has its own style) btw thanks on the complement :D. also any idea when the sever you play on will become active/looking for new people as im beginning to think bout getting on a server(not asking 4 a w.l. atm just purely curious) getting bored on my ssp after 2 full quantam sets lol
I'm not sure, but soon i think!
Hey Dire, a question: why did you build the spawn hub if the server is not public?
Also, your water pool keeps draining because of the chunk getting unloaded. MC doesn't care&feed an infinite water source in an unloaded chunk, so it ends up BC sucks it all up without MC interfering.
They plan to add new people to the server as time goes on.
The water SHOULDN'T dry though, because i'm using Chunk Loaders from Zeldo's additional pipes to keep that chunk loaded at all times.
Hey Dire, a question: why did you build the spawn hub if the server is not public?
Also, your water pool keeps draining because of the chunk getting unloaded. MC doesn't care&feed an infinite water source in an unloaded chunk, so it ends up BC sucks it all up without MC interfering.
If the chunnk wasnt loaded water wouldent be teleported
also dire, i have no idea why your pools having so many issues maybe your pumps removing water to fast try slowing down the redstone engines by turning off and on, or maybe even a smaller pool, as my pump with a 3 by 3 hasnt ever dried up and is filling 3 engines rather well.