Name : Camouflaged Cables
Edit: It seems i failed at posting this in the proper format before, and was deleted. Sorry about that.
Description: I love IC2. One thing that bugs me though, are these huge holes in my walls and floor with a cable popping out of them. I’d like to see something similar to the RedPower mod, where you have a plate or have a cable that is inside a block of your chosen material.
Recipe: It can be crafted as such. = Chosen material (wood, stone, cobble etc… The sky is the limit here I guess, though common building materials should be good enough)
= Chosen cable
It would function as whatever cable you normally would use, except be the size of a normal block and take connections from all sides. Artwork can be the normal block texture with the copper circle texture in the center of the tile. This would allow for a slightly more aesthetically pleasing appearance in your home/living area.
Limitations I see right off the bat would be a huge amount of blocks needing coded for crafting as you have all the different variants of cables and building materials.
Anyhow, just a thought.