hello all,
I have looked at the recipes for batteries, electric furnaces, etc and i place the resources needed in the exact places they are in the wiki and other sites i have used to find the recipes and they will not produce the item. i have buildcraft 2.2.4, too many items, and IC2 1.23 installed. do i need to reinstall IC2 or is there another way to fix this problem?

[support requested] crafting problems
Certain items are not craftable right now, such as the Illuminators due to crashes or other issues with them. I don't know about other items that were taken out off the top of my head. Also if you did not get the items legit, meaning you spawned them or used TooManyItems, the items that spawn sometimes won't work in crafting. An example I can think of is power crystals. If you spawn them for an MFE/MFS unit, they spawn with no charge bar and so cannot be charged or depleted and don't work in crafting.
If you are playing legit and the item is something you are sure is in, its always a good idea to try re installing everything.
energy crystals can be discharged a bit and then re-charged again to have energy bar, they appear fully charged already