Hello guys, this is my first post/thread here, was reading for the long time this forums and always wanted to post something, but wasn't doing it for some reason.
So I presenting a practical water bucket cooled MK2 Reactor
Mods In Use:
Bucket Filler
BC 2.2.4
Additional Pipes
Details used to make reactor set-up: (Resources Doesn't Not Counted, only finished products)
Single Golden Pipe
Single Diamond Pipe
Single Bucket Filler
Single Wooden Pipe
Single Advanced Wooden Pipe
Single Advanced Insertion Pipe
Single Stone Pipe
Single Pump
Single Reactor
5x Reactor Chambers
26x RedStone Engines (One is behind bucket filler, and you cannot see it on the screens.)
10x Integrated Heat Dispensers
20x Cooling Cells
11x Buckets(Filled/Empty) (Two in the diamond pipe and one in the advanced wooden pipe)
7x Golden Conductive Pipe (In total 8 golden pipes!)
10x Wooden Conductive Pipe
3x Stone Waterproof Pipe
And lot's of switches.
And yes it is SMP compatible.
Reactor output is 65 Eu/t
Not much, but doesn't require TMI and baby seating! And mostly safe.
Yes, system are compact, but it needs a heating up time, due too fact that redstone engines need time to heat up and start working fast enough, to refill buckets at a rate supplied by the reactor.
Also, a note engines block(big, bulky thing) must work synchronously, otherwise no boost in bucket refilling speed, which can leave reactor dry...
Overflow cannot occur, the amount of buckets are equal to amount of the slots available for them.
On a set up, purple pipe are for checking if filler have bucket already if slot are taken then it will go to waiting loop, until slot are available. The same thing is impossible with reactor tho...
The compact water supply set up, consist of very closely packed system, diamond pipe there plays a role of router, sending empty buckets to the filler and filled one to the reactor, it is pretty simple.
Tho, advanced wooden pipe used at the reactor, to check for the empty bucket, and if it there, it takes it out and sends to the filler.
As you see set up simple and fairly cheap, and can be easily made in SMP with appropriate mods installed.
It also can be used as a breeder reactor with just little change.
Note: Cooling system in the reactor made only to assist buckets cooling, you cannot relay on it.
Sorry, if my sentences hard to read, this is not my first language, and i am a bit lauzy writer.