[Bug] MFSU to MFSU

  • So I checked buglist didn't see this one there my setup as u see, generates 510 EU/t entering the MFSU.
    I have another MFSU at the output ( for testing reasons) So as you see on picture nr 2 , there is 512 EU/t exiting.

    Now the strange part is that ( in picture 3 and 4 ) that the EU of the 1st MFSU still increases. which shouldn't be possible right ?

  • All the storage devices wait until they have enough power to send a full pulse.

    This is what will be happening on each tick:

    • First MFSU reaches 500eu. Nothing else happens.
    • First MFSU reaches 1000eu. It sends 512eu down the line. Now your first MFSU has 488eu, your second has 512eu
    • First MFSU reaches 988eu. It sends 512eu, leaving 476eu.
    • First MFSU reaches 976eu. It send 512eu, leaving 464eu.

    You can see the pattern here. Every 42 ticks or so, your first MFSU wont send a pulse.

    EDIT: Oops, seems you're generating 510 instead of 500. Your first MFSU will only skip a tick once every 256 pulses.

  • ok ty for ur answer