oh screw it I'm gunna clean MC out and start over
ugh squid face out
oh screw it I'm gunna clean MC out and start over
ugh squid face out
so that didnt work and i just found out on the forum that its a chunkloader and redpower conflict
Brave what iz wez goingz toz doez
OK wtf I have tried MC forge 1.2.3 and MC forge 1.2.4 and yet It still says this.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT e690f675 --------
Generated 1/1/12 5:21 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.0.0
OS: Windows Vista (amd64) version 6.0
Java: 1.6.0_26, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce 9650M GT/PCI/SSE2 version 2.1.2, NVIDIA Corporation
java.lang.RuntimeException: RedPowerCore: MinecraftForge Too Old, need at least 1.2.3
at forge.MinecraftForge.killMinecraft(MinecraftForge.java:322)
at forge.MinecraftForge.versionDetect(MinecraftForge.java:342)
at RedPowerCore.initialize(RedPowerCore.java:102)
at mod_RedPowerCore.initialize(mod_RedPowerCore.java:36)
at mod_RedPowerArray.initialize(mod_RedPowerArray.java:29)
at mod_RedPowerArray.ModsLoaded(mod_RedPowerArray.java:13)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:838)
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:186)
at wb.<init>(wb.java:76)
at wb.<clinit>(wb.java:9)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:265)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:644)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT ee852d27 ----------
Brave or someone help I'm having major problems
Ok I get it now Redpower and additional pipes arent compatible with each other
so how do I fix this
yea its in red power go in to redpower and config to auto set ids.. you put a 1 value next to enabel auto id thing
Well, since we are adding the Force Field Generator (IC2 ADDON) to the server and there are ID conflicts, I decided to throw up my config files for download to make your lives that much easier.
Config Files: http://www.mediafire.com/?111yd2q6n7b0xs6
Well, what version of the forcefield generator add-on are we going to get? because there is 1.4 and 1.5pre
So Im just wondering which one we are going to get.
The new server post is up. Go take a look at it.
I'm always having problems with mods and I was fine untill last night my brother deleted all my mod folders I knew the problem (I thought we already had the forcefield gen. mod) now Im redownloading everything Im having ID conflicts between redpower and IC2 1.4.3 and I found that Redpower and Iron chests have been updated
MinecraftSquidS.Q.U.I.D_M.A.N_J.O.E_liked to gaze up at the stars... .. .
madeMinecraftCharangry so he unleashed
on MinecraftCreepersoMinecraftCreeperwent
all overMinecraftChar's new couch:|
that was supposed to look perverted I hope it does
I hope this one looks right