Re: http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=2866
Alblaka closed that particular thread, but you may not have properly answered his question.. I just wanted to add one other possible explanation, as I think I have just had a similar problem. Sorry if I'm "stepping on your toes".
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Posts/topics occasionally vanish?
I'm not sure about before, but I am sure that last night I started a new topic in a suggestion area. This morning I happen to check on it, only to discover that it doesn't exist and the link I pasted to someone else is broken.…d&threadID=2863
I can see two possible ways for this to happen:
1) Database issue; something simply caused it to not be stored properly.
2) Moderation; for whatever reason a mod moved/deleted/hid the post.
I'd like to know, if it is the later shouldn't I have been sent some kind of private message at least explaining why that occurred since I can't think of any reason the content would be bad? If it's the former, then is there anything that can be done or any 'problematic times' I can just avoid posting to the forums?
I had a similar problem -- Seconds after I made a thread, it wasnt there. Then I remembered the sorting options..
After sorting the forum properly, there it was -- at the top of the forum where it should be. Let me explain:
You must go to the bottom of the forum, and click "Sort By:Latest Post" && "Decending"
Not sure if it was just me, but this fixed my problem.. However, you guys stated that you posted it, and then the links were broken, so this could in fact be that you improperly titled the thread, and it was deleted..
If this is the case, this thread can be deleted, and I apologize @ Alblaka .. Just wanted to throw in my two cents to anyone having a similar problem.