• Hey, i am trying to get a nice mark V going that is at the moment theoretical. It will have an efficency of 4.0 and right now the best design i can get is this

    I plan on running it with heat at the start of each run in order to squeeze out as much performance as possible with some red stone trickery to have it run for 3 min 30 seconds then pause for 38 minutes. This should keep it nice and hot but not go critical. I am trying to get it to equalise at around the 3000 heat mark but not run so hot it starts vaporising the cooling water.

    Can anyone help improve on the design to make cool better so it can run for longer while maintaining around the effective Eu/t at around 28 or better?


    WOW ok... the link appears busted...
    here is a screenshoot of what i did

  • Oh, my understanding was that it cooled down faster hotter so if you kept it hot and ran it in short intervals you could run it overall for longer than if you were waiting for it to completely cool.