[v1.337b][BUG] Cannot craft CF backpack

  • Didn't see a thread about this, so I'm wondering why no one has realized it yet.

    I cannot craft the CF backpack. I see the recipe in the recipe book, I put the recipe together, nothing... I think it's because the CF Sprayers that I have are empty or full while the ones in the recipe are neither... they're just an item... perhaps the presence of the damage meter makes the recipe break? :S

    And here I was looking forward to getting my new factory put together in record time. ;(

    Speaking of CF.... Alblaka, why can't I place wire on my CF walls? I thought this was to be fixed. :pinch:

  • I had a thread on the same issue in the Support forum. I'd like to be able to craft the CF pack and try my hand at building with it.

  • So the item granted by that fix is the same as your pack, right? Meaning once I craft it, I don't need to worry later?

  • According to me As you can guess tester are lazy, and make sure to use only TMI created package "works "...... I thought they all work fine and couldnt find the problem completely, and use their own, either. Completely screw up the implementation of the development package formula, it will be fixed in future versions.