Support Request: 1.0.0 Server Initiation Issue

  • Following the instructions from http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=1366 , I attempted to start an IC2 server for my friend and I to play on, however it seems to defy all my attempts to master it.

    The first inconsistancy for me is that it seems to change the extension on the download of the server jar file into a .zip. I figured that wouldn't be much of a problem, and changed it into a .jar file, and initiated a server using;

    SET BINDIR=%~dp0
    CD /D "%BINDIR%"
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

    The server initiated, and ran just fine. However, when I added the two required mods to the .jar file via winrar, and then put the IC2 server jar into the mods folder, it generated a cmd prompt error.

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: net/minecraft/server/M
    inecraftServer, method: s signature: ()Z) Incompatible argument to function
    Could not find the main class: net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer. Program wil
    l exit.
    Press any key to continue . . .

    My confusion knows no bounds.

    If someone wouldn't mind just winzipping a working server and sending it to me, that would just nip this issue in the bud. I am at a loss.

    • Official Post

    And your downloading the minecraft_server file directly from

    Lesson 1: Watch over your crops....

  • If someone wouldn't mind just winzipping a working server and sending it to me, that would just nip this issue in the bud. I am at a loss.

    Asking for minecraft server .jar files or minecraft.jar files is futile in the best of situations. Especially on an open forum.
    Sending you one would mean we would have to break copyright law. Thus (at least I) won't be sending you one and i don't recommend anyone doing so.

    Also, solving your problems for you by giving you a working .jar is not going to help you solve any problems. It will just keep you ignorant and dumb for the rest of your life. You really need to start taking care of your own problems.
    If that is too much to ask then you may as well stop trying in life and get a job as a janitor at McDonalds.


    I am totally and utterly Christmas eve drunk, anything i post today might be full of spelling errors and typos and ramblings and other hilarity.

  • Which would make sense, if you couldn't just download the server jar right off the damned website without a password. I don't need the Minecraft.jar, I know you can't give me that. But considering the minecraft_server jar can be downloaded without being logged into the minecraft launcher client, and -anyone- can download it, I fail to see the problem here.

    As far as calling me ignorant and dumb, I've tried for two days now to get this bloody thing to work, consulting video tutorials and what have you, I am starting to get fed up with it. If you've only insults to offer instead of help, kindly sod off.

    Also, yes, I am downloading from

  • Which would make sense, if you couldn't just download the server jar right off the damned website without a password. I don't need the Minecraft.jar, I know you can't give me that. But considering the minecraft_server jar can be downloaded without being logged into the minecraft launcher client, and -anyone- can download it, I fail to see the problem here.

    As far as calling me ignorant and dumb, I've tried for two days now to get this bloody thing to work, consulting video tutorials and what have you, I am starting to get fed up with it. If you've only insults to offer instead of help, kindly sod off.

    Also, yes, I am downloading from

    The minecraft_server.jar is under the same copyrights as the minecraft.jar. Doesn't matter if anyone can download it. The only place people are supposed to get it from is
    It's the same with other illegal downloads, it doesn't matter if you can get it by the click of a button or have to type a 128 character long password to get them. They still retain their copyrights.

    As for calling you ignorant and dumb... That is part due to being fed up with people asking others to just solve everything for them so they can click a "start" button and part because i was a bit drunk yesterday.
    But still, having other people do it for you only makes it so you will have to ask others to do it for you until you learn how to do it yourself. And since asking others to do it for you is easier than learning you can get away with that for a long time. Why would you ever bother learning something on your own?

    It's pretty simple really. Follow the instructions like everybody else and it should work if done right. If it doesn't work then you did something wrong and need to take extra care doing exactly what the instructions say.
    If you still can't get it to work then you shouldn't run a server to begin with (IMHO) because that would most likely bee beyond your skill level.

    I am being honest about it. Nothing more to it.