[Resolved] Support Request: Crash on load

  • I've tried to install this mod with a bunch of others, and cannot get it to work. Modloader, modloadermp and forge installed and working. When I remove industrialcraft and advanced machines it works fine, with industrial craft I get this error:

    Tried redoing everything with forge 1.22 and 1.23 several times each, and tried redownloading industrialcraft, and can't get it working. The industrial craft client 1.43 is in my mods folder but is not showing up as you can see in the error message.</init>

  • im not 100% shure it will help but update ur java to version 7

    The following statement is true. The previous statement is false.

  • I'm assuming it was working before.

    Have you tried a clean install of MC and all the prerequisite mods for IC2, with no other mods but IC2 and its requirements?

    I'm not sure what would cause IC2 to not be detected if it's in the mods folder with modloader/mlMP/Forge installed.

  • I figured it out, mostly unrelated to what you said but still gave me an idea to solve it somehow...

    Crafting Table II has a block id conflict, which for some reason makes this show up instead of anything about block ids!

    Thanks anyways!