Support Request:No textures/sound

  • I cannot see the thing im holding in my hand, eg. i see different random stuff that doesnt look like anything.
    I can see the icons fine in my inventory.

    Also, sometimes i have no sound, but it fixes itself after some time.
    Current mods:
    Industrial Craft
    Build Craft
    Mine Little Pony
    Control Pack

  • I know minecraft and buildcraft work together. There are three possible issues.

    1) You have an ID mis-match between client and server (that is there isn't a conflict between block IDs on either side alone, but the client and server have different ideas of what block IDs are what, meaning you end up holding something you think is completely unrelated).
    2) One of the other two mods conflicts with the first. Since Mine Little Pony (presumably, I've not used it) shifts you in to a quadrupedal form it might be adding exceptions per item for where to hold them/etc.
    3) It isn't just related to item positioning; different mods alter the rendering stack in conflicting ways with unspecified results.