Suggestion: Make personal chests use energy

  • Name:

    Add a server option where personal chests have an internal energy buffer that need to be charged in order to keep the chest locked from other users. If the power to the chest is removed it will start using it's energy buffer slowly and can be opened/removed by anyone once drained.


  • But, wouldn't this defeat the point of the chests? If the point is that it should store your valuables safely when you are not around, making it require energy would just be adding a way for people to break in.

    All they'd have to do would be to cut the cable, and wait for the power to run out, and they could loot your stuff easily.

    • Official Post

    But, wouldn't this defeat the point of the chests? If the point is that it should store your valuables safely when you are not around, making it require energy would just be adding a way for people to break in.

    All they'd have to do would be to cut the cable, and wait for the power to run out, and they could loot your stuff easily.
