[Solved] Support Request: Unable to right click on items correctly

  • Hi,

    I recently setup a new verison of the game, with all latest versions of each mod (bc, ic, ee, rp etc) and for some reason half way through the map i am unable to attach items to blocks using the right click e.g. right click a wire onto a batbox, place a leaver onto an Induction furnace. This worked perfectly when i done my first solar power farm. When i went towards my second it wouldnt allow me to put wires on the box.

    Any idea on what could be causing this?

  • define: "unable to right click" how are you attempting such? Is it just items with their own GUI?
    are you shift+right clicking? that should work on items with their own gui.

  • The behavior has been unified to use shift as a way to prevent GUIs from opening.

    ahh nice one, i didnt know this was able to now place a leaver on my machines :) thanks for your help