[Aggricultural suggestion] Food for animal breeding

  • I realize the thread to suggest crops has been closed, but I only saw it after making this account. Seeing as the reason for making the account was just to suggest this, I might as well make a new thread, no?

    I use wheat primarily for animal breeding, so I'm wanting an agricultural overhaul to reflect what I actually use the current system for, only... better. The drawbacks I see to using wheat as pig feed is the slow time it takes to produce the food. Perhaps a non-edible crop can be produced to be used only for animal breeding/luring. I'm no coder, so I'm not sure if you can make a superfood which makes animals stay in breeding mode for a certain time/offspring count, or whether the amount of offspring can be modified. Failing this information, it's difficult to make detailed suggestions, but giving an abstract suggestion can be useful too.

    I can make one specific suggestion, even though corn was already suggested in the closed thread, I find the description unsatisfactory to my desires.

    -Name of your plant: corn

    -Tier (valuability, ranging from 1 to 16): 1

    -Short description: A non-eddible plant with the same growth attributes as wheat, but a yeild rate of 3-5 ears of corn. In this manner, it is on average 4x more useful as animal food than wheat. Also, it is two vertical blocks instead of one. Flowerchild did something similar with his hemp plants, if you're familiar, but a drawback was that one could destroy the top block which would enable it to regrow without planting an entirely new plant.

    -Appearance: You should know how corn looks. However, if you run short on sprites, a generic single stalk-like sprite could also be used for multiple items.

    -Gain: 3-5 ears

    -Attributes: Green, Animal, Poisonous

    -Special abilitys/effects: moderately resistant to trampling

    Now that I mentioned flowerchild's hemp...
    -Name of your plant: Hemp

    -Tier: 420

    -Short description: Hemp. Can be crafted in tandem with paper. When "eaten"... well... Colors get brighter... And your food meter goes down... And other things...

    -Appearance: Hemp=like
    -Gain: Non-dried hemp leaves

    -Attributes: Duuuuuuude
    -Special ability: Zombies are attracted to the plant (similar to zombies' attraction to the player)

    ...Or you could be no-fun and go the string-like rout to hemp... Or both!