Automatic Active Water Mills with Redpower 2

  • Also, I'm not sure why someone would have the notion that "watt per second" is redundant, because it's not. Go take a look at your electric bill. How do they bill you? In KWH - kilowatt-hours. Meaning if you have 10 100-watt bulbs running for 1 hour, that's a KWH. So Watts per second is correct in this usage (and a KWH is basically 3.6 Million watt-seconds)

  • Allow me to fix your fix.

    the three solar panels in my tutorial is WAY overkill. I've learned a lot about redpower recently. It takes 25Wt to push one item. All current redpower machines are 100V. Each solar produces 2 amps. That means you're pushing 6 amps with those three solars. That means it outputs 600W. You can get 12000Ws out of this. We only need 50Ws, because our timer is 0.500s. One thermopile gives 0.5 amps which can give you 50W. This means you can get 1000Ws out of it. We need 50Wt total in a full second of time. We have far far more than that with one thermopile. :D

    I've been over it with the author more than once. AFAIK RP2 power is measured in ticks. Since real life isn't measured in ticks, it's difficult to make EXACT translations, but in the terms of minecraft this math is right.

    "50Wt total in a full second" would be 50W.

    Is a Ws supposed to be a Watt-second?

    Disappointed with the bugs and nerfedness of AtomicStryker Corp's Advanced Machines, and the unupdatedness of Snyke's Enterprises?
    Need low-lag renewable power?
    Come to ImmTech Intragalactical this thread for free UUM!

    Note: UUM may stand for Unnerfed Unbuggy Updated Machines and may not be actual UUM. The extra U was lost due to a bit error.
    Battery snot included.

  • Yes, a Watt is 1 Joule per second, But in Minecraft, power is consumed in ticks. I think that's what ShdwDragn is trying to explain to you.

  • "50Wt total in a full second" would be 50W.

    Is a Ws supposed to be a Watt-second?

    Wt is a Watt-tick. Ws is a Wattsecond.
    Minecraft measures time in ticks, and in RP2 the Solar Panel for example will give you 200Wt 20 times a second.

  • Don't worry mate, I knew what you were trying to say.
    I had hoped that the kilowatt-hour comparison would help shed some light on it.