Good news! I fixed my Minecraft! Back on the server now.

Server: Gult's Gorge (IC/BC with Ish fix and REDPOWER)
- Levint7012
- Closed
Requesting whitelist.
My IGN is nupanick, I have used both Buildcraft and Industrialcraft in SSP for a while but never on SMP. I don't grief and I tend to clean up ugly messes like craters and pillars if I see them lying around. I like mining and farming and appreciating others' creations. I'm also proficient in redstone and love to play with pistons.
Whitelist updated!!! New server... what...
whitelist plz IGN spoilt
i was a mod on a popular survival server for a few months then kinda of fell outta MC, but industrycraft keeps it interesting for me so I was looking for a good server to join
hi i would like to join ur server my in game user name is dediodude and can u add me bro too his ign is firenard thank you fort reading
that was fun nuking everything >:D
i tried connecting but it said kicked by admin... have i not been whitelisted yet?
I want to play on this server.... but it seems the minecraft logins are down
what does it mean when it says kicked by an admin when you try to log in?
More then mods(your suppose to only have IC and BC) or not whitelisted....
IGN: liljpac
History: Never banned
WLU.... White List Updated
just want u to know that parasyte10282 just burned my treehouse. I even found the admin-tool there.
He probably died in the fire and dropped it. Luckily it startet to rain and not everything got destroyed... As proof i have a screenshot:
Sorry man it wasn't para it was his 5 year old he works 8-4 but his kid plays single player last nigh para was clearing a forest with a lighter I am going to restore to before he left sine no one but you and him have been on today apologies para is going to remove the ip from minecraft when he logs of to make sure it doesn't happen again.
I started work at 11:30 today! I left right after I commented on liking your tree house! My son must have logged on and burned it with the lighter in my inventory, Sorry about that! I restored the world so that your building is back in place and if you lost anything let me or lev know. If I was truley going to grief anyones place I wouldn't leave my wrench behind as a calling card.....
As you can imagine i first was really upset as i noticed the fire and then confused as i remembered para saying that he liked it, but now i know it was just an accident. Thank you for restoring!
PS: Yep its true.. leaving the admin tool after burning the house would be stupid
White list updatd fix a memory bug on the server that was causing lag all better now in the rain makes no difference... Love Linux.
Can i pls have a whitelist pls as i am pretty good with redstone and buildcraft just installed industrialcraft so wanting to try that out
IGN:Antonio_Bandaras -
Hey Lev, just letting you know im taking a break until IC2 comes out. I'll be back around then!