Your fine this server has a lot of mods... cheers

Server: Gult's Gorge (IC/BC with Ish fix and REDPOWER)
- Levint7012
- Closed
Updated whitelist for added new groups and updated permissions
By the way I was also teleported in the center and I was killed in like 5 seconds
Then i spawned and died again of the same teleportation only a second timeEDIT: Since when does Zombie Pigmen have torches? I didn't have torches on me you fool.
Ty I read the logs u requested to be teleported after a long nag about item request 2 rules broken... To start next you did not ask were he was when u requested to be tele also complaints over monsters on a Survival multiplier. You need to settle Down. Parasyte paid a portion of the server cost there for is part owner outside of being an admin he is in charge period. You didnt want him to do anything then ask don't demand. He bothers you don't ask him for things. He is on to play same as I and you period. You need to calm down quit rage quitting and quit your fighting you can be banned he never will be ever period.
The subject here isn't about any fight except the teleportation, All i ask is 64 stacks of 9 IC coins or my stuff back. If I were wise I would do my stuff because I only had a cooked porkchop a full set of leather armor and a stone sword. Not much.
dude if this will fix any isues i will just refund it to you srisly admins don't like dealing with player fails sheep i think we are done here
If i were wise... is that a threat... this is what i am talking about, its pork chops and armor grow up, to be honest Parasyte wanted to ban you, i recommended not to that is the only reason you were not banned settledown quit DEMANDING things all the time, if you want help ASK, dont DEMAND, this "I need to be teleported" Should be "can you please teleport me" I am really sick of the demands, i like you dont get me wrong, but out of everyone on the server you have the least patience and least tolerance and MOST DEMANDING... today it stops, dont ask for any thing if your statement doesnt start with please... PERIOD. I run a server because i enjoy the company, if the joy of company runs thin the company leaves. Time to put on the big boy pants and ACT NICELY and CALM DOWN. Ask for help dont say. "I need a golden apple" .... "Make it day" how about "I am really low on health can you spare me some food?" and maybe "Can you please make it day... IF EVERYONES ELSE AGREES?"
Thank you,
Calm down and i hope this is the last i hear of this matter.
I would like to join
IGN: Pinsir99I have some ic backround and great with buildcraft!
In my honest opinion from what i read here, i am REALLY surprised he has not been banned yet.
Whitelist updated
If any admins are reading im just curious as to why the server is down :p and also when might it be back up ?
Sorry and when you posted that is 4:30am for me I just checked the logs may have been a ISP issue the server showed no errors. Cheers
I belive I am part of the support team for buildcraft now so I will try to keep you posted for support on it just to let ya know.
Thanks tykuhn, love me some updates from the modding community... also your back to full status, catch ya later bro;)
I still want my stuff back
As soon as IC2 for 1.8.1 comes out BC is already updated. All though no engines are ready yet.
THEN FIND ME DUDE im on around night time sirsly this was sheep i think we are done here
We need to get ready for a full rush of people..... Once IC2 smp get released everyone wants in o na server= MASSIVE LAGG, and even more griefers and stealers D:
I agree phaser, hey sorry about the lag you have been getting lately my network has been doing large file transfers the last few days as i am working on a small side project... that has had my attention as of late, but yes i agree 100% depending on a few thing this week i should be upgrading the ram to at least 4gb maybe more havent figured it out yet but hopefully that will make a big difference when we get the swarm... i am excited and everyday makes it just a little harder to wait. lol
I will need to transfer over my bin for the server befor its possible for me to play.