I would like to translate your wiki into Polish, and I asked how to do it? Make a new page with MediaWiki?
My English may be bad, I can not very well write in it;)
Polish Wiki
- Maliksus
- Closed
Could I help you? (Mógłbym ci pomóc?)
I've noticed that someone was already on creating polish wiki-like site for IC^2 but it ended kind of nowhere Click
On the other side if plans with actual creation of translated IC^2 wiki will move forward. Feel free to PM or mail me about help on translating. I'll be glad to help especially since i wasn't much of help to IC^2 project lately.
not related too much to this topic but i have a question regarding the wiki
I want to translate it into german
the problem is that its very complicated because the ic² wiki dont seem to support more than one language
So the questions is ... are i am allowed to create a unofficial german ic² wiki ?
(I would use websites like wiki.com or de.wikiunity.com/wiki/Wikiunity) -
If it's one thing I hate, then it it wiki's who end nowhere when they get translated.
If you want to do it, then you must complete it!
Good that you ask the leaders, and don't just make random wiki's!But most of the wiki is driven by the makers of this mod, and there are many rules you still have to follow.
I don't know if Alblaka can speak Polish, but how is the staff gonna check if you did add plant combinations or UU-Matter recipes?
Right now there is a big discussion going on about the wiki here, so you might want to read that.
Remember that this mod is much about exploring, and secrets need to stay secret!Good luck and best of regards
Peter110 -
will look for a plugin for language support for the official wiki
Can i help with translating
Mogę pomóc w tłumaczeniu
I jak zwykle muszę wstawić jakiś obrazek... xD