I changed forge version and it's now working. [Fixed]
Posts by MStef94
I have a problem both on my client and MCP server. Whatever ID I type in IC2 config file, items have other IDs in game. It causes "silent" conflict beetween server and client -> I can not craft modded items such as Treetap:
In config I have:
But in game Treetap has ID = 30212I'm using IC2 v118b401 amd forge b845
Can you make this mod compatible with experimantal IC2?
"IC2 API: Call getItem failed for nearDepletedUraniumCell" I got this message only when I use IC2 experimantal with chargepads.
I am using industrialcraft-2_1.118.401-lf and I've got "The mod Railcraft (Railcraft) requires mod versions [IC2@[2.0.44,)] to be available". How to fix it?
Future idea:
Integrate this with industrialcraft fakeplayer => yhis will prevent griefing WorldGuard regions on serwers...
There will not be an update until 1.3.
Any update bafore 1st August?!
I heve texture bug... After relogin textures of my machunes are turned into another direction...
I'm using IC2 1.95b for bukkit, but I think that it doesn't matter...
When is the estimate for a bukkit build?
Good question! We're waiting for it!
Will it be ported to craftbukkit R4?
Is this fixed?
Could I help you? (Mógłbym ci pomóc?)
Nukes and nuclear reactors can be toggled in config file. As well you can set the nukes explosive power to 0 in the config file.
Disabling ITNT is not possible.
So what I should add to config file to disable crafting
without reducing power of nuclear explosion?
Will this addon be ported to bukkit?
I'm sorry guys been really busy lately with a lot of stuff.
For starters, I have no idea what MCEdit even is, I don't know what a schematic is, nor how to even export one
I'll just be posting my world up in the next few days probably.
Also though as a note, as of 1.20+ IC2 this machine is broken due to the change to Personal Safes not being pipeable anymore.
MCEdit is a very nice world editor, which can export any object/piece of terrain into a *.schematic file. Then (if youu public that) everyone who has mcedit will be able to paste this scheme into their words by themselves.
It's very useful. -
Anybody know how?
In TinPad:
"Any block that can face in all six directions (batboxes et al., transformers, probably more) are rendered as pointing downward any time the blocks are updated (logging in, placing something nearby, etc.). This is visual only, it is still pointed in the proper direction server-side. "Is there any way to fix this?
Where I can download it? I can't see any links
How i can enable nukes on my Minecraft IC server?
I try it, but nuke disappears every time(I'sorry for every mistakes -> I'm from Poland)