Suggestion: Wifi and IPAD! yea this will not happen...

  • Ok Hello,

    I have been reading the forums and playing IC for a while on my server with some friends. One thing I noticed that changing every MFS unit to 64 or 32 or 1 or whatever takes a while, so a digitalized version of that would be nice :D so like if you placed the new [Wifi Networking Device Block]and then had your new IPad {Industrial programing authorizing device} you could see a scrollable map just of your wire networks that just you have placed, so say all of your cables and switch cables and MFS's and all the energy transport devices, basically anything you use a EC manipulator with. And then, you could change the outputs and turn switch blocks on and off using the ipad. The ipad would be an item and be held like the map, and the wifi network block would be placed and need power constantly to create the network. The network would be just for your player and your ipad would connect.
    yea i know this would be really difficult probably, but hey, its just an idea.
    Thank you for making Industrial craft awesome as it is

    Ps if anyone actually likes this idea then Yay! and i could make sprites and recipes ... MinecraftSheep

  • I think its a great idea, but I dont see how a digital device to display the data could work.

    Also, to change the generator output, if you hold down left ctrl it will increment by 10, left shift increments by 5.

    • Official Post

    "EnergyNet" is the term for the new Algorythm behing Energy-Distribution.

    The IC one was a CPU-intensive, frame-repeated recursive one.

    The new IC²-EnergyNet (coded by Player) is a masterpiece of efficiency, based on HashMaps, rare updates and a load of interfaces for easier implementation.

    Instead of sending pulses randomly across cables each frame, the Enet updates with each new placed Block which belong to the net. It will then once calculate where current can run and store everything.

    It's kinda like the whole CPU IC1 ned each frame is ONLY used by IC² if you place or remove a Electric Block. The rest runs with minimal CPU-usage :D

    AND of course energy-waste is onbsolete, the net will directly link up Energy Emitters and Receivers, and then apply the ned energy to the Receiver while subtracting the consumed energy (including distance loss) from the emitter.

    It bugs out then and when, but is quite stable. And fast.
    Goddamn fast.
    Goddamn freakin fast.
    You can't even spell HAYO that fast.