Support Request: Jetpacks only work for the first person to login to server

  • Greetings all,

    I seem to have an issue with jetpacks not functioning as expected. Only the first person to login to the server is capable of using them normally, any subsequent players connecting that activate their jetpack get shot up in the air but their jetpack no longer deactivates when releasing the jump key. Afterwards it is as if the jetpack remains activated when taking it off and putting it on again. Logging out all players will give the "jetpack-rights" to the first player that logs into the server afterwards.

    Server details:

    Installed into the JAR file:
    Modloader MP v2.1
    MCForge v1.3.1

    Installed into the mods folder:
    IC² v1.64
    RedPower v2pr4d (all parts)
    BuildCraft v2.2.12

    Details on the installation:

    Due to the problems currently existing with MCForge V1.3.1 I had to install ModLoader MP first, then MCForge, then take the ModLoader.class out of ModLoader MP and override it again in the JAR. Then I needed to apply a fix to allow breaking blocks again (error in reach distance calculation described in the Minecraft Forums under the MCForge thread). The server appears to run fine with this except for this issues with the jetpack.

    I hope this may be fixed soon or someone has details on how to solve this issue from occurring. Thank you for your time.


  • Greetings,

    I wish to add following details as we've tested the jetpack problem a bit deeper today:

    It appears that if the players using jetpacks are not within the same server distance square (our server distance is set at 15 chunks) then they operate as expected. But once both players arrive on the same server area and use their jetpacks they will break (activating but no longer deactivating). Once this has been done even leaving the same server area will not solve the problem until that player logged in and out again.



  • Hey!

    First time posting. Just thought I'd mentiont first that I love the mod and all the work you're doing.

    Then I just thought I'd mention that me and my mates got the exact same issues on our server. So you're not the only one Angel. We got the same mods installed aswell.
