Al please post a generic crop card

  • al please post a generic crop card file in the forums i know there some in ic2 but please post a file that is setup right with some basic plant so we can see the basic thing please i can code basic java but my file format is poor and pathetic so if you post a file premade i can see the structure of it and and try making some basic plants and unfortuanetly im pretty fail at file structure like i said and it would be a huge boost

    btw i know some people have posted the code but like most of us while i can make a standard mod for minecraft making a mod for a mod is not something i know how to do and like i said above file format and me dont get along

    The difference between a noob and a scrub is there is hope for a noob they can learn, a scrub on the other hand thinks they know better or dont care enough to learn or get better

  • [spoiler]
    package net.minecraft.src;

    import net.minecraft.src.ic2.api.CropCard;
    import net.minecraft.src.ic2.api.TECrop;

    public class CropMelumpkin extends CropCard {

    public String name() {
    return "Melumpkin";

    public String discoveredBy() {
    return "Trintus";

    public int tier() {
    return 2; // Same as melons

    public int stat(int n) {
    switch (n) {
    case 0: return 0; // Not chemical
    case 1: return 3; // Melons are edible
    case 2: return 0; // No defensive properties
    case 3: return 2; // Pumpkins are primarily decorative
    case 4: return 0; // Not particularly weed-like
    default: return 0;

    public String[] attributes() {
    return new String[] {"Green", "Orange", "Food", "Decoration", "Stem"}; // Melons *and* pumpkins

    public int getSpriteIndex(TECrop crop) {
    // Special handling for harvestable melumpkins
    if (crop.size == 4) {
    int harvest = checkMelumpkinHarvest(crop);
    if (harvest == 1) {
    return 19; // Sprouted pumpkins
    } else if (harvest == 2) {
    return 20; // Sprouted melons
    return crop.size+15; // Otherwise, use the shared pumpkin/melon stem sprite

    public boolean canGrow(TECrop crop) {
    return crop.size <= 3; // Can always grow, unless it's already harvestable

    public int weightInfluences(TECrop crop, float humidity, float nutrients, float air) {
    // Like melons and pumpkins, melumpkins require slightly more humidity and slightly less nutrients to grow
    return (int) (humidity*1.1+nutrients*0.9+air);

    public int growthDuration(TECrop crop) {
    if (crop.size == 3) return 650; // Takes a while for stems to sprout fruit
    return 225; // Stems grow pretty fast though

    public boolean canBeHarvested(TECrop crop) {
    return crop.size == 4;

    public ItemStack getGain(TECrop crop) {
    // Check to see what it grew
    int harvest = checkMelumpkinHarvest(crop);
    if (harvest == 1) {
    return new ItemStack(Block.pumpkin); // Sprouted pumpkins
    } else if (harvest == 2) {
    return new ItemStack(Block.melon); // Sprouted melons
    } else {
    return null; // Shouldn't happen

    public byte getSizeAfterHarvest(TECrop crop) {
    // getSizeAfterHarvest should really be a purely informational function
    // without side effects, but I don't see any other 'after harvest' hook,
    // so resetMelumpkinHarvest goes here for now.
    return 3; // Returns to fully-grown stem size

    * Checks what the melumpkin plant has sprouted. If it hasn't been decided yet,
    * this is where that happens.
    * @param crop TECrop to check on
    * @return 1 for pumpkins, 2 for melons
    public int checkMelumpkinHarvest(TECrop crop) {
    if (crop.custumData[0] == 0) {
    // Hasn't decided what sprouted yet, time to do that
    // 50/50 chance of sprouting pumpkins (1) or melons (2)
    crop.custumData[0] = (short) (crop.worldObj.rand.nextInt(1)+1);
    return crop.custumData[0];

    * Resets the harvest type of a melumpkin plant, so that the next call to
    * checkMelumpkinHarvest picks a new value.
    * @param crop TECrop to reset
    public void resetMelumpkinHarvest(TECrop crop) {
    crop.custumData[0] = 0; // Set harvest type back to 0 (undecided) so a different type can be picked next time



    i got that from the crop card request page :)

  • yes i see your post and i have made something similar but i dont know how to structure the java file\class as in i can write the code but dont know how to build it so that it will work most of my research has been about modding minecraft not modding mods for minecraft i know im a newb but trying to learn

    The difference between a noob and a scrub is there is hope for a noob they can learn, a scrub on the other hand thinks they know better or dont care enough to learn or get better

  • Take a chill pill, and put in some caps dude.

    2. Go away, you creeper wierdo!
    3. What ever, I'll just go around.
    4. Hup, over their heads I go!
    5. Okay Mister living grenade, I'm going to knock you into those skeletons, and I'll follow through with a nano saber. Understood? FOR THE ALMIGHTLY DRAGON LORD!

    • Official Post

    You download the API, put it into your source directory and create a Crop by extending the CropCard and call the CropCard.addCrop method from your mod_File.
    Easy as that.