The electrolyser dosn't charge water cells.

{1.64][BUG][SSP] Electrolyser
Thanks for the extremely well-detailed error report, we'll look into the error-log/description you provided and fix the nailed-down issue.
\obvious sarcasm.
Would you mind elaborating how you used the Electrolyser where in which manner? I'm quite sure it's not being used correct.
After putting water cells in the Elctrolyser and hooking up a MFE the cells did not charge. I didn't have an error report, the cells just wouldn't charge.
I'll assume when you said you 'hook up' the electrolyzer you tried to place a cable between the two. To use the Electrolyzer you need place it immediately next to one of the MFE's input sides. Once the MFE is about 90-95% full, it'll start charging the water cells, It will also pull EU back out of the cells if the MFE's power reserves are low.
No i didn't use a cable, but i was putting it on the output side so that may have been the problem...
Ya, that was it.
No i didn't use a cable, but i was putting it on the output side so that may have been the problem...
Ya, that was it.
Nope, that wasn't it. Electrolyser does not care for enet, it just accesses adjacent MFEs.
However, most likely your MFE did now reach 70% energy level. Electrolysers will not draw power if a storage block is below the 70% mark.