[Question] Using IC2 with snapshot builds

  • Will a version of IC² meant for a certain version of MC work with the weekly snapshot builds between the version of MC it's meant for and the next version? For example, will I be able to use IC² v1.71 with the snapshot builds between MC v1.1 and MC v1.1.1 or v1.2? Or does it only work with MC v1.1?

  • I highly doubt they will work on any version they weren't coded for.

    There is a small (and I mean impossibly small) chance that it might work for small, very minor patches that don't change much- but there's no guarantee for that.

    1.2 though? That's, as far as I know, impossible without major changes to IC2 (and Forge, for that matter).

    ...What? There's no pineapples here.

    GENERATION Pineapple: The first pineapple you see, copy it into your sig on any forum and add sqrt(-1) to the generation. Pineapple experiment.

  • Every snapshot changes obfuscation, even a to b snapshot changes...

    There are patches where obfuscation does not change (1.8 to 1.8.1, I've seen people playing IC2 in 1.8, perhaps to avoid the pumpkin seeds bug?) or changes in a minor but potentially mod-breaking way (1.7.2 to 1.7.3).

    Word from your local Minecraft obfuscation wizard.