WindMills and futher update

  • As far i know windmills produce more energy if they are higher is this going to be to powerfull ? any one got idea ? im curious since 1.2.2 had no day light effect on zombies if im not mistaken or were it 1.21 ? are they going work at higher limits of height also plants have air quality is ig going allow us give plants better air than now ? any one know anything ?

  • Well, I think it will have to be nerfed, have a maximum height effect, or have a fractional power in the height equation (so twice as high is only like 30% more power or w.e)

    Ofc, windmills would be all well and good if minecraft handled block gravity, and required you to, say, make a structurally sound tower to get that high up, or use a conviniently located hill.

  • well if its 30% so we would get like 5 eu/t maybe close to 6eu/t +20% extra while stormy weather would be bit too much they give right now way more eu/t than solars ( since they dont give energy while stormy and no sun up)