Red Power 2 and IndustrialCraft 2: Panels

  • Would there be any chance of the Red Power panels being implemented in IC2? I use them often enough to hide my RP2 wiring but my IC2 wiring is still sticking out and it would be nice to hide it and prevent someone from breaking a crucial wire in my matrix(which happens alot when im on server...).

  • Two things


    Learn to use the serach function.

    Has been suggested many times already, and is not less impossible than it used to be.

    Use Construction foam.

  • ^ This. If Al and the devs were to make the cables compatible with the RP2 microblocks, then IC2 would NEED the RP2 core mod in order to function.

  • You can hide wires in Cfoam? Still wouldnt look great but at least its protected....and its search, I did, didnt turn up anything but my comp is derp lately so....and for the final factor NO IM NOT SUGGESTING THIS BE ADDED INTO THE CORE IC2...only as an addon which would require both IC2 and RP2 to work....make a bit more sense now?