
  • I had an idea:
    when a :Reactor: is overheating (50%) then he give a redstone signal.
    Or a craftable thermometer look likes a normal, but stand on a foot and if it hot it sends a redstone signal.

    Sry for my english, im german.

    MFG Salanio

  • I had an idea:
    when a :Reactor: is overheating (50%) then he give a redstone signal.
    Or a craftable thermometer look likes a normal, but stand on a foot and if it hot it sends a redstone signal.

    Sry for my english, im german.

    MFG Salanio

    there is already a mod for a thermometer, works like the EU detector, also there are java script programs you can download to experiment with for a perfect and precise layout with a nuclear reactor. go check out the Nuclear Engineering Forumns, someone has a link to a really good one.

    furthermore, Alblaka is alreday going to impliment a Thermometer / Control console Block that i believe you attach to a reactor to view all it's statistics. this can be found under the approved ideas area of the Suggestion Compendium thread.


    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

  • yes, but i mean for multiplayer.
    and the admin didnt want to instal this thermometer.
    only IC, BC, RP, CC, and other. only tot the thermometre.
    and i want a redstone will activatet after overheating.

    MFG Salanio

  • here, one sec and i'll send you something that helped me ALOT with nuclear reactors and setting them up properly for non-CASUC reactors.

    Edit: and here you are! :D


    click that and then there is a spot that says, something like "This applet can be run as a stand alone by downloading it "Here" you can click that and download this Nuclear Reactor Tester and it'll tell you everything you'll ever need to know about your reactor and the way you set them up. then there will be almost no need to set up a way to turn it off.

    P.S. the Thermometer block controller Alblaka is making will be for SMP i believe.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG