this is basically my idea running with the CFoam Gun. if the Gun isn't a idea people want to run with then how about since we seem to be going with Throwable Foods... how about CFoam Eggs. you would simply combine 1 CFoam Pellet with 4 eggs and they would be a throwable version of a CFoam Sprayer, basically the complete opposite of a stick of Dynamite

Suggestion: Construction Foam Egg.
oh man... calm down :DD enough of ideas xD your going crazy about that.
I reject this idea. CFoam gun is much better and have a lot of reasons why to implement it to ic2. and this? idkmaybe only for that war pack
it sounds awsom
throuwing CF egg into someones base
he logs in and he is stuck in it or he cant get back into his base
or through it on enemys solar panels :DD haha