Invinsible and undestroyable "machine"

  • Hi, when i destroyed my machine block will dropped, but the hitbox of machine still there. What happened to my save? :Nuke TNT:

  • Which Forge version? If it's 56 or below, upgrade to the latest one.

    Probably i don't have forge (because I want to have a SDK Guns). Not looking for something to prevent, i am looking how to remove the invisible block :Wrench:

  • I am having the same issue. I had an older version of forge and then updated, but the undestroyable block is still there. Is there a way to remove it? is this a job for mc edit?

  • Hello!
    I do not know English, so I translate in google translate.
    I am from Russian.

    I have to install the wires, reactors, transformers, everything works fine.
    But when I remove the wire and put in his place the other wire, put SAME wire. Other units on this site are placed properly. But how could I not put in their place other blocks, then remove them and put the wire - put the same wire that was. And so to restart the peace. But it's tolerable. But if I try to remove the transformer, reactor, furnace - all removed, but the power of the world is not going away. That is, it disappears from the screen, but after the void does not pass, it did not deliver, but it does not work as what it was. That is, in fact, it became impassable, and fixed landing an empty block. Rebooting does not help the world. I do not know what to do. Because of this play can not be exactly the IC2.
    I Minecraft 1.2.3. My Fashion: ModLoader, ModLoaderMp, Forge, Optifine, Zeppelin, WirelessRedstone. Well, IC2. Help please, I do not know what to do.
    P.S. on pure minecraft 1.2.3 IC2 ModLoaderMp ModLoader Forge same error. And not just me.

    P.P.S. I can not even throw a Saiva maps by placing over the void, for example, sand :) Do not drop it.

    Now finally understood how to call a void. It occurs after taking any of the working unit IC2 (heater, reactor, generator, transformer, etc.) and attempts to place a statement on any wires. It seems that the error is with the wires.
    I really hope to help :(
    Help please! :(

    On Russian: