So if i were to suddenly decide to start modding minecraft what would be the proper steps to do it? If theres a plain text guide (I fucking hate videos) explaining how to i can work with that. (Seeing as i have a free week soon i may as well learn java+minecraftmodding to waste time >.<)

Minecraft Modding Start
- FenixR
- Closed
kudos to you
did you consider lurking in the minecraft forums?
what were you thinking of making? (i'm not going to suggest anything to you cause you have not solicited for suggestions)i found these threads…er-or-make-your-own-mods/…-modding-tutorials-21511/ -
Im looking for people who already have experience to tell me a little about, and i dont like the minecraftforums too much, that place its a (Slow)clusterfuck to look for something good at times
i did the searching for you if you actually read the the threads you will find they are exactly what you are looking for in every possible way that you have posted. either that or use the irc if you don't want to wait here forever
I have time, next week doesnt start... well until next week >.>