if you climb to high altitude, even with a soft landing as the damage will be the usual fall from a height. And you will die.
Deadly Elеctric Jetpak
Known and not much we can do
what about:
Player reports jetpack activation
make player enity invulnerable to fall damage
include player into ticklistener for jetpack damageAs soon as player reports jetpack deactivation or when jetpack off - allow damage remove ticklistener hook.
this will require single custom packet handler to handle jetpack activation serverside.
Yeah, I'd like to at least be immune to fall damage wearing the jetpack instead of hovering for a minute and exploding violently upon landing softly in a field of fluffy marshmallows. It may not be the realism we want, but it will allow us to use them as they were intended while you guys sort out the problem.
Is there no way to detect a players' velocity on SMP? Or is it just hard to do? Is that even related to the problem you guys are having with jetpacks?