[Suggestion] The spaceships

  • I dont know if the space update is joke or not, since it shows it was posted on 1st April for me, but it would be really awesome to fly in space(Or just extend The End, or make max height somewhat of portal to space) with a spaceship and maybe there would be asteroids or something to mine and stuff. It would be great if spaceships worked like Zeppelin mod, so you can add blocks on your ship, maybe make space only blocks which protect from space so when ship is "closed" you wouldnt need quantum suit or space suit. (Or if Zeppelin was compatible with IC2 in terms of blocks working on flying craft and not just taking random texture and not working)(Its probably hard to code). So could fly around in your spaceship but it would use energy so you would need reactors, and stuff. Would make multiplayer ship vs ship battles glorious:D