help with breeders

  • So I've got myself a decent CASUC reactor running, but thinking long term, I can't very well quarry the entire world to get uranium, so am looking at breeding as a viable option.
    I also quite fancied the challenge after successfully building and running my current reactor several times with only a single pop.

    I wanted to start small until I got the basics down so have gone for a single reactor with no chambers.

    Worked out the following setup, which has quite a good yield for its size

    Anyhoo, it keeps either not matching the yield , or it goes pop, which is either over cooling or over heating.

    When it blows, it seems to be shortly after I've added the 4 lava buckets, but before I've managed to turn the reactor and cooling on. (Yay for Quantum armor)
    I have a couple questions now which may help me solve my problems.

    1. Do the isotopes heat up even when the reactor isn't on?
    2. Should I be activating my cooling at exactly the same time as the lava buckets start?

    Thanks very much for your help :)

  • I haven't played much with SUC, but I can answer your questions and have a slight modifications to your design.

    1. Do the isotopes heat up even when the reactor isn't on?

    Yes, absolutely they did when I last tested. To offset this, have external cooling match the # of isotopes for a net 0 change to hull temp

    2. Should I be activating my cooling at exactly the same time as the lava buckets start?

    That would quickly undo the heating the lava gave, so no.

    you might look at this and think Why the 3 empty chambers? Your design has starting heat of 8400. That is 100 heat away from possible meltdown, and definitely in radiation territory. 70% is radiation threshold, 9k hull temp is 70% of ~12858, so 13k hp from a 3 chamber reactor lets us run at 9k hull temp with no radiation. A 5 chamber reactor is what it would take to eliminate the heating fuss and let you run at 10k hull heat. You could increase the hull hp also by adding armor plating, but that is only 100 per slot, and takes 10 to equal another chamber. The hull hp is too low on a single chamber to effectively breed.You could also tune the extra space, SUC and external cooling to match isotopes for increased yield.

    Thanks for Giving drill access to miners!