• the mod broke my minecraft, i can't update it, uninstall it or open it. I can't do anything, it keeps on saying access denied and when i tried to make me the person, who is the owner, it still says access denied.
    So wtf do i have to do? :cursing:

    Edited by an admin. Reason: 'Caps'

    • Official Post

    First of all, stop spamming. Simple as that, if I see one more unnecessary post, PM or thread of yours, you can try to fix your issues yourself, alone.
    Second of all, in case you truly believe in what you just said ("mod broke minecraft"), delete your minecraft folder and simply redownload the game again (which shouldn't pose trouble for anyone who purchased Minecraft on legit ways).
    Third of all, re-read the installation instructions... I can translate "mod broke minecraft" into "Nothing works at all", which is somewhat HARD to accomplish by installing a simple mod... unless one messed up royally that is.

    Fourth, report back in an adequate language after you took your time to read the above statements, applied their suggestions and spent some minutes trying to figure out your issue(s).