Nuclear Reactor with Redpower2 computer

  • Well ive been thinking ever since RP2 PRE5 came out what can be done with those computers and it dawned on me that you can make a automatic nuclear reactor with the computer. however i only have a limited knowledge of FOURTH programming so i was wondering if anyone could have a look into it.
    many thanks jj01404

  • Yes, I've built one. I use the computer to automatically refuel my 3 breeder reactors, and to auto refuel the 2 power reactors that burn the fuel created by the breeder reactors.

  • Yes, I've built one. I use the computer to automatically refuel my 3 breeder reactors, and to auto refuel the 2 power reactors that burn the fuel created by the breeder reactors.

    could you perhaps post the code for the computer so i could copy please!!