What is the HV transformer for?

  • Well as far as I understood:
    LV <--> MV
    32 EU/t <--> 128 EU/t

    MV <--> HV
    128 EU/t <--> 512 EU/t

    HV <--> HHV (HIgh High Voltage or whatever ;) )
    512 EU/t <--> 2048 EU/t (Just for transportation of energy over long distance)

  • Ah, I see, thanks.

  • I usually use the following to sort it:

    EV - hvy. Industrial (512 - 2056 EU)
    -> HV - Industrial (128 - 512 EU)

    -> MV - Comercial (65 - 128 EU)

    -> LV - Residential (32 EU or less)

    LV is the machine usage stage, whereas MV is the 'replacement' phase for crystal charging... The higher phases are for pure power production (imo)...

    Transformers are go -between's for each level, so you need the appropriate one to transfer the energy first from higher - to - lower tiers before being able to use it in current form...

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